
# Accessories # Black

Black And Red

Black Tank, Red Lingerie Maxi Skirt, Sandals, Urbiana Accessories - Lilli, Candy and Style Fashion Blog

Black Tank, Red Lingerie Maxi Skirt, Sandals, Urbiana Accessories - Lilli, Candy and Style Fashion Blog

Urbiana Jewelry: Earrings and Bracelet

Details: Urbiana Bracelet

Urbiana Bracelet

Lilli - Candy and Style Fashion Blog
I'm wearing:
Tezenis Tank - Bershka Maxi Skirt and Sandals - Urbiana Earrings and Bracelet - Pupa I'M Lipstick n.303 - BasicBeauty Nail Polish n.53

Here's how I styled my gorgeous Urbiana bracelet and earrings I previously showed you in this post. Black and red seemed the perfect color matching, a plain look embellished with only the accessories and focused on them, hope you enjoy it :)

Happy Monday and have a great week ahead!




Sbally said...

wow che bella, tesoro stai benissimo!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look wonderful, love the look <333 Hugs and kisses dear Lilli :)

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

sei abbronzatissima davvero e sembri una dea vestita così, ma quanto è bello il bracciale? Un'opera d'arte!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

Veronica Vannini said...

Sei bellissima Lilli, che bella questa maxi skirt rossa!
Un bacione cara!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

miasmode said...

Holy moly Lilli!!! You look like an Italian goddess. The jewelry is to die for. Trust me nothing is plain about this look. Beautiful and super glamorous :D
Happy Monday sweetheart!

xx Mira


Unknown said...

no ma Lilli, ma che bella sei? mi piaci tanto, che bella questa gonna e il bracciale è davvero particolare e unico


The Dainty Dolls House said...

Hello my lovely Lilli!! Well, you look amazing, I love this look a lot!! The pieces you added to it are so fine!! Red is definitely your colour ;-)) Perfection doll. I hope you have a fantastic week ahead. Love, hugs and kisses xoxo

Stanislava E. said...

The outfit is so chic, Lilli! Red and black is always a good idea! Btw, I avoid wearing black in summer but this top goes so well with your tan and blond hair! Thank you for letting us know about Urbiana because they have really good stuff! The bracelet and the earrings are pieces of art! Very nice! Have a great Monday! xo

Tamara Chloé said...

Hi my sweet friend!

Woooow you did such a great job keeping the look simple and classy, making the jewellery pieces really stand out. Red looks absolutely amazing on you, you should wear it more!
Perfect look Lilli!, enjoy a wonderful week.

Hugs and kises xoxo,

Tamara Chloé

Demi Mist said...

I remember your jewellery and you have matched them so well with this outfit!
You look very beautiful!
Have a great week Lilli!

Pooja Mittal said...

So true, black and red dress match so well with the jewelry
U look hot
Loved the earrings
Keep in touch

Coco said...

Stupenda Lilli!!! Sai quanto ami le maxi-gonne, poi in quel color ciliegia é un amore!!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

Dania said...

Un binomio di colori che amo moltissimo Lilly.
Ma quanto ti sta bene quel colore di rossetto?



Unknown said...

Il bracciale è davvero bello, il rosso è il tuo colore...sei bellissima!
Un bacio

Barbara Bozzoli said...

wow Lilli come stai bene!!! la gonna mi piace troppo e gli accessori ancora di più!!!
un grosso bacio!!

Elekon said...

Wow! simply stunning, so vibrant and red adds a dramatic fell to this look! xx

MayLoveFashion said...

Ma che bella questa gonna, una bella punta di rosso e poi mi piace tantissimo il bracciale!

the chilicool said...

Che bene che stai con questa maxi gonna rossa. Un colore che dona molto anche a te!

nerline said...

I LOVE this skirt on you Lilli. The way you make the jewelries pop out is amazing.

Mari said...

sei splendida...mi piaci molto con la gonna!!!


Unknown said...

Ciao tesoro,
mi piace il tuo look e devo dire che non potevi scegliere abbinamento migliore per sfoggiare e valorizzare questi fantastici gioielli. La sobrietà del tuo outfit ha risaltato la bellezza e la lucentezza della maglie del bracciale oltre che la raffinatezza degli orecchini.
Un bacione cara, come sempre sei stupenda
:** <3

tr3ndygirl influencer e fashion blogger said...

un gran bell'outfit Lilly
adoro la gonna,il rosso ti dona tanto forse te l'avevo già detto
buon lunedì
un bacione

Ivana said...

Ma che bella abbronzzata che sei :) Il nero va bellissimo con il rosso, hai veramente fatto una buona scelta. I gioelli sono " breathtaking" e stanno benissimo con tutto il look :) Baci cara

Świat w kolorze blond said...

love your look:) fantastic set:)

Anonymous said...

Preciosa falda!!

Sfizi e Sfarzi Moda said...

Sei splendida, bellissima !!!

miss b said...

Just catching up on your posts after my holiday. Red and black is such a classic combination and a maxi is always a stylish summer look. I like the way you have added some simple jewellery too. Gorgeous cuff.

miss b said...

PS I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your previous post Summer Breeze. You have included such a wide variety of images which include every aspect of what a perfect summer means to me. Wonderful!

Kashaya said...

Great outfit. Love the skirt.=)

Eniwhere Fashion said...

Con questo look e la pelle abbronzata stai benissimo.
Mi piacerebbe avere il tuo fisico per potermi permettere un top come il tuo :(((
Un bacio e buona settimana,


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

This is such a stunning way for you to style that chic bracelet Lilli! You looks so chic and cool in this tank and maxi skirt outfit and the color combination suits you beautifully. Have an amazing week my friend!

Rowena @ rolala loves

Unknown said...

Sei bellissima con questo look Lilli e hai realizzato il look perfetto per questi gioielli! Adoro sia gli orecchini sia il bracciale e la gonna ti sta troppo bene! Un bacione!!

Jointy&Croissanty said...

I like set of black and red and I have to say that this bracelet and these earrings are so beautiful!


Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli, you look so great with ponytail, this hair-do bring out your beautiful eyes. And i agree with you, red and black matches perfect together. Your jewels are really pretty, i saw the bracelets in at Instram in your profile befor and was excited. Una bella serata per te. :)

Beauty Unearthly said...

This look is really beautiful Lilli, nice color mix! Many kisses! Have a great week!!! xx

Ivanasworld said...

Beautiful ;)

Diana said...

Lilli sei uno spettacolo, stai benissimo con la gonna lunga e questo top

Unknown said...

My darling Lilli, you look terrific and I am so loving this simple yet stylish look!

Antonella C’est Moi said...

Tesoro lasciami dire che abbronzata sei uno schianto inoltre mi pici molto con il rossetto rosso, dovresti metterlo più spesso;) bello questo look, un abbraccio e buona serata

Sola ante el espejo said...

Bellissima Lilli, adoro la gonna! Un bacione tesoro.

Aux Caprices de Flore said...

Nice look, in love with your bracelet


Anonymous said...

You look so elegant in red and black! Perfect for a special night out.

June said...

Lovely outfit Lilli! You look awesome in this! Loving your makeup and jewelry too!
Keep in touch

Paola Lauretano said...

Avevo già apprezzato questo tuo look su FB, sei bellissima ed estremamente femminile! Questa color combo mi piace da impazzire e sulla tua pelle così abbronzata il rosso è fantastico, come il rossetto sulle tue labbra!!!!

Ciao bellissima!!!

Mihaela Pojogu said...

You look tall and beautiful, the accessories looks even better on you, I like the red and black combo with golden accessories, but I imagine you like a goddess with them in a white dress. many kisses

Fashiondoll.pl said...

You look so pretty and so perfect
Pozdrawiam z Gdyni :*

Unknown said...

Lilli sei meravigliosa!non aggiungo altro, un bacio!

Unknown said...

Come sei abbronzata dolce Lilli <3
Bellissimo il bracciale, mi piace tantissimo!
Un bacione



ThefashionFlite said...

I bet this is the most sexy look for every women . U look like a diva in red.love ur elegant hairdo ,xoxo

Simona Tucu said...

Oh, Lilli, you look stunning, so sexy, so chic, so cool! :D

Unknown said...

Beautiful red skirt! Great style! <3 All the best from Munich,


Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Very beautiful and elegant, Lilli! The jewellery is gorgeous! Hope your week is going well. x

Fede said...

sei bellissima con questo look, questi colori che tra l'altro sono anche i miei preferiti ti stanno benissimo, meravigliosa la gonna

Chic Delights said...

Looking so beautiful and chic Lilli! Your bracelet looks great. Enjoy summer!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Striking and stunning Lilli! That's how you look! I love the top and skirt. Gorgeous bracelet too doll! You wear those colors WELL.

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Sweet Lilli, you look so slim and beautiful in this outfit, loved your ponytail, this hair-do bring out your beautiful eyes. Your makeup looks amazing with black and red combo outfit .Your jewels are really pretty, especially the bracelet! Hope you have a great day honey. Many kisses and hugs to my pretty friend <3

mispapelicos said...

You have the figure of a goddess, my dear Lilli
Mille millione di baci, mia cara

Sam said...

Aw wow, you look absolutely gorgeous Lilli, love this outfit, it elegant and so graceful, the maxi looks very demure and love the red hue, perfect styling and stunning jewellery! Thanks kindly for your comment, hope your week is going well :)

Unknown said...

The accessories you showed us in your previous post look gorgeous against your skin tone Lilli and I agree you want to wear something simple so that the accessories really stand out, which they do. Black and red is such an amazing combination, I don't wear enough red I don't think. Love the sexy slit up the side of your skirt. Have a great week x

Karolina said...

Sei bellissima con questo look elegante! Il rossetto rosso e fantastico e ti dona molto!


Ivana Split said...

che bella sei!!! ti sta benissimo questo look, mi piace moltissimo la gonna!

Rebeca Muñoz López said...

Hi Lilli, I could see the jewelry in your Instagram account and is magnified, the quality looks in the pictures, I think it very well highlighted with red and black, kisses!


Carolyna's world said...

outstanding look my dear - I love the outfit on you :-D

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Lilli,

You look fabulous - love the black and red outfit and perfect for summer days.
Enjoy your week dear friend

Benedetta M. said...

Ma che bella, sei proprio sbocciata in questi colori estivi! Il rosso della gonna è splendido su di te e anche il colore delle labbra, ti dona tanto! Mi è piaciuta la scelta del top più essenziale e dei bracciali che illuminano il tuo look, che dire? Ha ragione Sacramento, una dea! ;D




sonia // daring coco said...

Wow Lilly I really love that delicate bracelet. So pretty and bohemian. And love your styling here, simple but the colours pack a real punch!


marilovesgr33n said...

dai, ma quanto sei abbronzata??? come hai fatto??? devo dire che la gonna lunga ti sta molt bene perché slancia la tua figura già longilinea di suo.
il bracciale è fragile e delicato. bello


Lilli, you look radiant, and I like the minimal outfit look. That red maxi skirt is gorgeous!
I wish you a wonderful rest of the week dear.
Cleaning Haus

www.selodicecoco.it said...

Come stai bene con questo look il rosso acceso della gonna e divino con la tua abbronzatura!!! Baci Elisabetta

Non si dice piacere - La moda passa, lo stile resta said...

semplice e chic.
stai benissimo!


Sandra Leiva said...

Looking great, dear!
Love that maxi skirt <3



Lilli said...

Thanks a million for your comments!:) Kisses!

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