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My cute pajama - From this outfit post |
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A sweet surprise from my friend Adeola - From this outfit post |
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My new Daniel Wellington watch - Breakfast |
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Details - From this outfit post |
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Buffa: Sardinian Beer - Halloween decoration at home |
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From this outfit post - Lazy Sunday |
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Huge cup of American coffee - From this outfit post |
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TAG: When I was 5 - Cozy at home |
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Halloween headband - Cagliari, Bastione di Saint Remy |
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From this outfit post - Halloween Kinder Surprise Maxi Egg |
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Selfie - Halloween celebration at home |
Some October moments from my Instagram profile, @insta_lilliness.
Ciao Lilli come stai? Simpatica la foto con il frontino "Halloween"!! Un abbraccio e buona giornata
Bellissime immagini Lili :-)
Buona giornata!!!
Beautiful post, really interesting! You look so adorable Lilli! Kisses dear, have a good evening! xo
Lovely Photos! You look amazing Lilli ,and super cuteeeeeee :)
You IG feed is so much fun, I love seeing your photos! I am not saying it just like that but because you put only outfit photos on your blog and I am curious to know more about you! You were such a cutie when you were 5! And I love seeing photos of Cagliari! :) Have a great day, Lilli! xo
I love all your IG feed and getting to hit you up with a surprise is the best! Love and kisses my girl!
I think October was your month!
I love your photos and the one you were a kid you look so cute! I hadn't thought you were a natural blonde.
Many kisses Lilli!!!
so fun! loved the halloween shots!
Inside and Outside Blog
Now then you have an angelic face, lovely photos, the Halloween headband is so cute! kisses Lilli! xoxo
bellissime foto! tenerissima tu da piccola...che bel sorriso!
bellissima nei 2 selfie e mi piaci molto anche con il look con i jeans strappati
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Only beautiful and yummy things :D hugs dear Lilli!
Bellissimo recap e nell'ultimo selfie sei splendida... occhioni meravigliosi!!!!
Kisses, ♥ Paola.
My Facebook
Hi Lilli!!
Wow!!What a great post!!October was your month for sure!Wonderful collage!
I like your pajama and your new watch!!You were a cute little girl!
The selfie and those beatiful eyes.....wow!!
Enjoy November month my dear!!Have fun!!Hug!
Ehi ma quel pigiamo?! è troppo forte!
Ciao Lillina cara! Le mie foto preferite sono sicuramente quelle in cui indossi il cerchietto con i fantasmini e quella in cui sei bimba, si vedeva già che eri troppo dolce e carina! Poi ovviamente mi piace quella della colazione e adoro il pigiamino nuovo! Un bacione!
bellissime immagini dolce Lilli
buon mercoledì
un abbraccio
che belle queste immagini lilly!!!giuly
Ma che tenera la mini Lilli! Eri bella già da piccola. Belle queste immagini.
Un bacio.
Your photos this month totally made me smile Lilli! I especially love seeing that precious photo of you when you were 5. You were such an adorable little girl and you obviously haven't changed much :) And your Halloween celebration looked so fun.
Bellissime foto, quello che ho preferito è quella con le antennine per halloween! baci
Great random pics, hun!!!
I adore the selfie shot and also that cup of espesso looks absolutely wonderful! x
Dear Lilli, it´s a pleasure to follow you and your life at Instagram. Thank you for the little view into your world. The little kid pictures of you is so cute. You was pretty as a little girl and you are still pretty as a young woman. Vi auguro una buona notte.
Bellissime immagini di recap di Ottobre!
You were so cute as a 5 year old and stylish even then ha ha. I love the DW watch, you're so lucky to have one. I have a Michael Kors so couldn't bring myself to buy a second watch. You look very pretty in the selfie and I love the grey outfit in your previous post.. Anyway I hope you have a lovely November Lilli x
ciao Lilli! davvero anche tu a Novembre? Quando? <3
quante cose belle questo mese <3
Ho visto troppe cose belle di Halloween *-* volevo esserci anche io XD il tuo cerchietto è troppo carino <3
eri troppo tenera da piccola, penso che ti avrei riconosciuta subito :D
bello anche il tuo pigiamino e i calzini <3
un bacione e buona serata! <3 :****
Lilly da piccola avevi la stessa espressione dolcissima di oggi sai?
Un bacio
Quanto mi piacevi con quell'abito fucsia!
Buona serata bellezza
lovely photos ;)
Belle foto! Delizioso il pigiama con la maglia con la maialina!
Lilli ma che dolcezza eri da cucciola??? Stupenda! Mi piace tanto sia il pigiama sia i calzini....e vieni troppo bene nei selfie
quante belle foto..ma da piccola eri stupenda..con uno sguardo da furbetta combina guai
cutest pyjama's ever and I am so jealous of your Long lashes
Sei sempre dolcissima e adoro le tue foto Lilli <3 <3 Bacioni
Fashion and Cookies
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Le avevo già viste su instagram..belle tutte.
Un bacio Lilli buona notte.
Che belli inmagini Lilli! Un bacione tesoro.
You look so cute up in the mountains when you were a young girl. Your piggy shirt is so amusing too. I hope you will have a fabulous November.
Dio che raccolta di foto, emozionanti! Sei tropo dolce da piccolina ♥♥♥ Bellissima!!!!! IL collage dell'orologio con il caffè è tocchissima!!!! Grande Lillina! Ti lovo ♥
Lilli, that picture of you with the ghost headband was just too cute! My favorite outfits were you with the pink dress, red white and blue and outfit of the day! SUPERB!
Eeeeee. I hate the time difference between us Lilli. I always miss out on the majority of your snaps. I have to go back in and find you and scroll through all these lovelies. Especially that throw back of you as a littlie! Too cute!
Loved your Instagrams lately dear. Wonderful photos, especially the halloween headband. :) Enjoy your day. xx
Style Files: Patterned
Aw you were such a cute kid!
Wonderful photoes honey, I really love your Instagrams...You were so cute as a 5 year old and stylish too. I can see the innocence of your childhood on your face even today. You look very pretty in the selfie. But first I want to apologies to miss your previous post..you know that look was one of your best look. Anyway I hope you have a lovely November my friend. Many kisses and hugs <3 Waiting more pics on IG....haha
I'm finally catching up after my holiday and your 'life lately' is the perfect way for me to see that you have had a fun October! Those Halloween treats looks so good and the pumpkin too. What a cute picture of you when you were five! I love the photo with the ghost headband too. Looking at your previous posts I was admiring the beach which looks stunning (wonderful sunshine!) I hope November is a great month for you too!
che belle Lilli!
Ubique Chic
Che begli occhioni che hai Lilli, eri dolcissima anche da piccola!
My last post: Make unique your important moments with Gbridal
Ciao mia bellissima Lilli!
your instagram is becoming better and better! loved the countless details and hope to keep on seeing much more inspoirational insta photos!
your grey ensemble in the beachy atmosphere makes these picture svery beautiful. What a lovely stroll on the beach despiete we're heading so fast towards Christmas, my favourtite time of the year! we're been having bad weather just for a couple of days and I already miss the sunshine and warmth. I adored your look and the phots!
As for your lovely roundup, I really don't know which one of your October outfits is my favorite as I like them all! you've completely nailed the month in avery stylish way!
the plaid scarves have made a theme for an upcoming post of mine as well and I couldn't be happier to know that we are in the same tune! I totally agree a plaid scarf can make the whole outfit look much more fancy and it's so holidays inspiring!
I love pleated skirts and as you have great legs to show off, this was surely a great bet! the cardigan is just adorable - I do love lips print and need to add it to my wardrobe.amazing look, babe!
wish you a fantastic weekend ahead!
bacci tanti
Ciao Lilli, che bello il selfie che ti sei fatta, sei bellissima!!! Non ricordo se ti ho già messo il like o no, ora vado subito su instagram a controllare!!!
Un bacio grande!!!! <3
great post! and what a cute picture of you aged 5(same as my daughter now:)xx
Such a nice review, my dearest Lilli! I've missed so many lovely outfits and pics - so sorry about that :-/ ... Especially love your pink dress - you're looking breathtaking in it! - Kisses from Vienna,
ciao cara!!! che bella che eri già da piccina!!!!! mi piace sempre vedere le carrellate di foto!
Ciao Lilli,
mamma quante fotine e che mese pieno, non so se è impressione ma sembra più vissuto e colmo di eventi degli altri ;)
un bacione cara e buona serata
Now I want to eat a kinder egg! haha anyway, you look gorgeous in all the pics :)
Join my giveaway:
bella Lilli ^__^ <3
ti auguro una buona serata e ti mando un bacio :*
Alice's Pink Diary
belle fotine!
ci seguiamo già a vicenda su Instagram?
Amazing instagram pictures! would you like to follow each other on GFC
Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know & lets keep in touch!
bellissime foto Lilly!
kiss kiss
I love your cute pajamas, doll. You've always been pretty:-)
Lovely Pictures; the one of you when you were 5 is so, so adorable.
Have a great weekend my friend.
Che tenera da piccola Lilli *-*
Mi piace troppo il cerchietto con i fantasmini!
Un bacione
Thanks a million everyone! xo
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