My everyday makeup routine is very quick and basic. Though the weather is getting always cooler here, I still need a foundation that doesn't cover too much and the L'Oréal Nude Magique Eau de Teint is ideal at the moment: super light like water, makes the skin soft and fresh for all the day; mine is the n.100 and matches my skin tone beautifully. Both Essence products (the Eyeliner Pen and the Lash Princess mascara) are fantastic: purchased for few euro (they were sold together, in promotion), assure an amazing result. The eyeliner, in particular, is really one of the best I ever tried, also among high brands: easy to apply, precisely defines without smudge. I'm not a big fan of Avon makeup but I fell in love with the packaging of their Ideal Luminous blush and I picked the coral radiance shade: bright and natural, gives a healthy glow to the cheeks; plus, it includes a nice brush. Then, after have applied the lip balm, I use the Ace of Diamond lip pencil, from the Daring Game Kiko collection, as lipstick since I'm a matte-finish lover: mine is the n.25, a vibrant and intense red. At last, the Roller Scent from Kiko completes the look: a sensual fragrance with sweet and fresh notes of vanilla and orchid, that makes me want to sniff the wrist all the day :)
What is your makeup routine at the moment?
Happy Monday!
Bella ricca la tua make up routine...anch'io devo dire che ho i miei fedeli alleati, su tutti il mascara!
Hi, Lilli! Thanks for such a detailed post, really interesting! Kisses dear, have a good week! xo
Great product Lilli :)
Mi piace la tua routine, prenderò spunto per l'eyeliner, ne sto cercando uno diverso da quello che uso abitualmente! Io invece per quest'anno non ho ancora iniziato a utilizzare il fondotinta, per ora vado solo con phard e crema idratante! Poi mai senza mascara e eyeliner! :D
Ottima scelta Lily, noi donne non possiamo proprio fare a meno dei trucchi!!!
The Princess Vanilla
Love the Eye Liner and Mascara ,amazing Products!
Great Post Lilli :)
Happy Monday, Lilli! I think I have shared with you what my daily makeup routine is, but I'd love to tell you. I don't use a foundation, my skin is oily and I use a powder instead. This one from L'Oreal sounds really nice though! I have only used a blush from Essence but I have seen their products in your previous posts, so I think of trying them soon! You see, I am not a big fan of Avon too but sometimes I think I have to break my rules and give them a chance! The packaging looks so practical! And in the end, I think I am going to like that perfume - I love vanilla on perfumes, lotions, shower-gels, etc! Have a great day! xo
The maybelline baby lips is my bestfriend!
Looks like a nice makeup routine. I love little perfume rollers, and mascara is a definite for me, even without makeup because my lashes are long, so it helps keep them in order! :) Wishing you a lovely week Lilli. xx/Madison
Breakfast Tablescapes
io onestamente perdo le ore a dare creme per il viso e trucco poco xche sono una frana!!!giuly
Sempre la solita storia con me! Uso (piu' o meno) sempre gli stessi prodotti! Qualche volta solo cambio il mascara! :)
That sounds like a lovely selection of products Lilli - I love that L'Oreal foundation too and I'm a big Essence fan :)
Emma | Fluff and Fripperies
Ciao Lilli! Davvero ricca la tua make up routine!!
Cultureandtrend Blog
Ti rubo qualche idea visto che devo riempire di nuovo il mio beauty case!!!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
make up perfetta!! bacioni cara buon pomeriggio :)
very nice tips!
Inside and Outside Blog
ciao Lilli! <3
allora voglio provarlo anche io l'eyeliner della Essence, visto che lo reputi il migliore in circolazione :D
della Avon invece io ho due rossetti e mi piacciono molto, sono i miei preferiti e hanno un'ottima durata! I blush Avon non li ho mai provati, dovrei tentare.
Del profumo Kiko non sapevo, mi hai incuriosita <3
un bacione e buona settimana <3 :*
Hello lovely, these are great products a routine :) Some days I just wear foundation and powder and others I add lipstick and blusher, just depends on what I'm doing. I hope you have a gorgeous and fun week :) Many hugs and kisses to you xox
quanti prodottini deliziosi Lilli, bella selezione
buon lunedì
un abbraccio
Aw, it's nice to have a little peak into your make-up bag, Lilli. Thank you for sharing your favourites. x
Now I know why you look radiant Lilli!!! Check out my feature/review of BODEN's brand new active/yoga wear line this week at the blog!!
Interessanti i prodotti che usi Lilli, vorrei provare quel L'Oreal Nude Magique e... soprattutto, vorrei essere brava come te nel make-up!!!
Happy new week!
Kisses, love Paola.
My Facebook
wow , those lashes girl
i need to try the loreal nude foundation
Happy Monday
Quanti bei prodotti Lilli, io la mattina perdo almeno mezz'ora solo per mia beauty routine!!!
bacio grande!!!!
Ho una routine simile alla tua, ma con il makeup sei infinitamente più brava ! Bacioni
Fashion and Cookies
Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin
Hi Lilli!
What a interesting post!
Great products!I like the L'Oreal foundation!
I must by it!!Have a lovely week dear!Hug!
Bellissimi i prodotti che utilizzi per la tua routine quotidiana.
Nice! Thanks for sharing, hun :D
Great list, I can't live without mascara :D hugs dear Lilli!!!
in questo periodo io sto usando una crema idratante, un fondotinta mat con protezione solare 15, mascara e matita nera.
La sera una crema anti macchie che uniforma l'incarnato della palle -.-'
Lo so, dovrei essere più diligente ma sono pigra ahuahauhaua
bacione :** <3
Beh Lilli tu sei sempre truccata perfettamente infatti.. E si vede che ci dedichi molto tempo.
Bacio tesoro
quanti prodotti interessanti. io cerco di ritagliarmi del tempo, perchè da quando è nata Giulia!!
Great products!!!
Have a good week, dear Lilli!!! g+ and like's for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Ciao Lilli. I prodotti che usi sembrano tutti ottimi. Io dopo aver idratato il viso applico bb cream, cipria e fard. Se non vado di fretta trucco anche gli occhi e le labbra ma più spesso uso solo mascara e burrocacao.
Un bacio.
complimenti per i prodotti e per la grafica utilizzata, mi piace la tua routne, ti rubo il blush, spettacolare! baci ady
Ubique Chic
Dear Lilli, thank you for sharing your makeup routine. I was already curious about it, because i think your makeup looks beautiful
and soft. I also like natural looking makeup for me. Your foundation tip comes a little bit late, i bought last weekend a new foundation for me. ;) Un abbraccio per te
Lately you look even prettier, so I can see these products are great!
I would love to smell the perfume! Sometimes I do that on my wrist all the time.
Have a great week Lilli!!! Kisses!!!!!!!!
Ottimi prodotti!
Che bellissimi prodotti! Un bacione tesoro.
Complimenti per la costanza, lilli....io proprio non riesco a mettere tanti prodotti beauty....anche se devo assolutamente trovare degli antirughe....! Bacione
wow, per me sono due i prodotti essenziali per il trucco giornaliero, il mascara e il correttore, per le mie occhiaie da stile panda :DDD
Ottimi prodotti tesoro, decisamente sai scegliere, brava!
Per me, adesso, Chanel, la nuova collezione!
mi piace la tua routine Lilli<3
Thanks for such a detailed post. Love that you showed us everything and gave some info! I love makeup. Always love checking out some new stuff!
Thanks for sharing Lilli! I always like seeing what other people use. I also try to keep my everyday makeup routine quick and basic as well. It just makes life easier. I use BB cream instead of foundation but yours sounds really light and nice. The eyeliner sounds amazing as well. I use a Chanel cake liner as I'm not very good with liquid liner pens. Have an amazing week sweetie!
Hi Lilli, so nice and generous of you to share your make-up routine. I like the colours of your eye shadows. You must be an expert in putting those mascaras. So nice Lilli.
Very nice routine! I like the new look of your blog sweetie!
Keep in touch
I love Kiko. An italian blogger introduced me to the brand and I was very impressed. Love babylips!
Non ho ancora provato quel fondo della L'Oreal ma da come ne parli m'incuriosisce molto, adoro il fatto che renda la pelle morbida!
My last post: Romantic Feelings
Now, I want L'Oréal Nude Magique too. I think I'll love it. :)
Kisses dear Lilli.
Vorrei provare il fondotinta dell'Oreal! baci
alcuni di questi prodotti li voglio proprio provare!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Thanks for sharing your rutine Lilly!!! You are always fantastic and beautiful :)
kissesss, muakss
great selection of products! have a great week! xx
I am not a fan of Avon makeup either. Their lipsticks are the worse, if you ask me. But I love your picks, Lilli.
Thank's for sharing your make up routine, my dearest Lilly! Think I need your eye shadow :-) ... - Kisses from Vienna,
La mia è molto simile alla tua! Bei prodotti!
kiss kiss
Love the pen eyeliner myself!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style Delights Blog
Fantastic post Lilli!!!!
I am currently obsessed with my Lancôme foundation and MAC cherry lipliner under MAC Russian Red lipglass...
Hope you had a great day!!!!
Thank you all! xo
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