I'm wearing:
Burberry Scarf - Tally Weijl Jacket - Silvian Heach Skirt - Calzedonia Tights - Primadonna Overknees - Bershka Bag, Earrings and Rings - Vintage Sunglasses - Mikey London Midi Ring - Pupa Volume Lipstick n.401 - TNS Cosmetics Nail Polish (Red Vanity Collection) n.315
Happy Weekend!
Troppo carina Lilli! La gonna a pieghe mi piace tantissimo e penso che sarà uno dei miei prossimi acquisti (in realtà mi sono innamorata di una di Sisley verde smeraldo che appena iniziano i saldi mi fiondo a prendere) e la sciarpa è proprio bella! Un look che mi piace proprio! Buon week-end cara!
Ciao Lilli come stai?!? Che bella questa gonna a pieghe e ti sta davvero bene, poi la sciarpa mi fa impazzire!!! un abbraccio e buona giornata
...bel look...e bella sciarpa, adoro questa combinazione di colori...adoro rinvolgermi nelle sciarpe calde...questa ce l'ho anch'io...sia sul fucisa che sull'azzurro pastello di qualche anno fa...non rinuncio mai al colore!!!
...un bacione!!!
ma che bella la gonna e con gli stivali sta benissimo!! un abbraccio felice weekend :)
Ciao Lilli!!! Come va?
Adoro quella gonna, non lo avrei mai detto ma ci sta benissimo con i stivali lunghi ;)
Hi Lilli! You look amazing as always, your scarf is to die for, I love it!!! And I like the way you wore it and how well it looks with the coat! Plus your rings are so cool!
Have a great weekend!
Bellissimo look io adoro il color camel abbinato alla pelle nera un abbinamento riuscitissimo!!! baci Elisabetta
Wow, what a beautiful scarf! It was the first thing that I saw when I opened this post. But I have no doubt, when it comes to Burberry. It goes perfect with this outfit! The skirt is a killer! Super cool outfit, Lilli! Have a nice weekend! xo
Love your look, Lilli....Your plaid scarf is fabulous and the pleated skirt is absolutely pretty.
Ultimamente i tuoi ouftfit mi piacciono esageratamente ... Cioè non c'è una cosa che eliminerei ... troppo carino!
New Post-> http://modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2014/12/con-il-concorso-nissan-vinci-una-micra.html
stupenda la gonna!
Adoro letteralmente la tua sciarpa e la gonna ti sta una meraviglia <3
Un bacio grande
plaid and pleats, two things I love! I have a scarf very similar but in red and green colors and love it!
Lilli ma come mi piacciono quei tuoi stivali, anche io ho una gonna simile al tua, la devo rimettere! Buon week end :)
Una bellissima gonnellina a pieghe Lilly, ti sta benissimo..
Adoro i colori camel e percio', secono me, questo look sia perfetto! La sciarpa mi ha rubato il cuore questa volta! Mi piacerbbe avere una di Burberry... un giorno! :) Bellissima mia cara Lilli! bacio e buon weekend!
I love these colours!
Have a nice weekend!
stai benissimo con questi colori! e adoro la gonnellina!!!
Ciao Lilli, sai che anche io ho una gonna come la tua??? Mi manca però quella bellissima sciarpa che hai!!!!
Stai beissimo con questo look!!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Tesoro mi sono innamorata di questo look appena l'ho visto su FB..... sei strepitosa!!! Adoro la combo cammello/nero, ma ogni tuo singolo pezzo è assolutamente cool, non saprei dirti cosa mi piace di più!!!
Kisses, love Paola.
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My Facebook
Lilli, you look so chic and cozy at the same time in this look. I'm in love with that pastel plaid scarf and your cool studded boots. Plaid and pleats are a perfect combination! Have a wonderful weekend my dear!
Hi Lilli! :)
There is no think ai would change to your outfit! I like it so much... The skirt is so girlish and sexy, the scarf looks very chic!
You look amazing, dear!
I wish you to spend wonderful time!
P.S. About the previous post - the both shades are gorgeous! <3
Hi Lilli!!!
Wow!!You look gorgeous!!
I'm in love with your Burberry Scarf and your boots!!
Excellent choices!
Have a wonderful weekend!Hugs!
Gorgeous !!! you look lovely Lilli :) Many kisses! Have a great weekend!!! xx
Ciao Lilli,
ma che bello questo look. La sciarpa mi piace un sacco, sembra morbidissima.
Inoltre amo la gonna e come sai adoro i tuoi stivali.
Buon weekend amica bellissima ;D :* <3
Dear Lilli, beige with black is such a great color-combination. This looks always so fine. To wear these overknees to a pleated skirt is a great idea. This looks a little bit girly and sexy at the same time. My thumb turn up for the whole outfit.
I wish you a great weekend, bacio Cla
Love your skirt, scarf and these boots are perfect! You look so beautiful!
Have a fantastic weekend:)
Bellissima Lilli e la sciarpa e favolosa! Un bacio tesoro.
lovely skirt dear! you look amazing!
Inside and Outside Blog
Bella la gonna Lilli ma anche la sciarpa e quegli stivali li devo tirare fuori anch'io sono troppo comodi!!! Bacino
ciao, Lilli, come stai? mi piace molto la sciarpa...sai che adoro il tartan.
Bellissimo questo look un po preppy:) sei carinissima!
boun weekend
You look so cozy and stylish sweetie! Love your boots
June Wants It All
YoYoMelody$40 Giveaway here
Buongiorno cara Lilli!!!
Molto carino il tuo look, mi piace tanto la gonna a pieghe che io ho cercato di acquistarla più di una volta ma poi non so perché su di me non riesce a convincermi. Mi allarga. Invece a te sta cosi bene.
Un grande abbraccio,
There is no thing I would change...
Che bello Lilli questo look, adoro la sciarpa!
You look so beautiful Lilli! I absolutely adore camel and black. Love your scarf and that pleated skirt. You've added depth to your outfit. Looks so good.
Wow ,looks amazing! You look gorgeous <3
Have a happy Weekend Lilli ,big Hugs!
Great outfit Lilli; you look beautiful. I like the Burberry plaid blanket scarf and those cute knee high boots.
All of God's blessings in the new week.
Such a fabulous combo Lilli!
I love the scarf and gorgeous coat and boots!
These colors look great on you and I love the pop of red on your nails!
Enjoy a happy weekend sweety!
Kisses xoxo,
Tamara Chloé
Hi Lilli, you look fabulous! We have the same Burberry scarf except mine is in sky blue. Your pink Burberry scarf looks so chic. I like that one because it is quite big and keeps you warm. Happy Weekend to you.
That scarf is gorgeous!
Trending In Fashion
beautiful look love the skirt :)
Aw, very nice and cosy! Hope you are enjoying the weekend, sweetheart! x
adoro quella sciarpa! ne ho una molto simile ma di un rosa più chiaro....
Hi Lilli, very nice combination, pleated skirt is my favorite piece of this look, besides the scarf, great weekend!
What a fabulous outfit! Just the colours I like to wear at this time of year. Black and camel is such a great combination and I love the scarf. I like the plaid print but so often it is in red and green shades which I don't tend to wear. These neutral colours are gorgeous. I may just have to treat myself to a scarf like this!
Bellissima la tua gonna, Lilli ! Mi piace tanto, io ne ho una simile ma di lunghezza diversa e la cerco come la tua. Carinissima anche la sciarpa, ti dona molto, sei sempre bella tu :-**** Bacioni
Fashion and Cookies
Hi Lilli! You look so gorgeous and super chic with that outfit! Loving that color on you :) The skirt is really cute and so perfect with the boots. Great use of scarf too, add more dimension to the outfit. You look amazing! I hope you're having a fantastic week Lilli! :)
Take care always, love Christine ~ xx
Hi my dearest Lilli!
Once again you managed to look so beautiful! :) I really like the leather pleated skirt you are waring- it looks so stylish in this outfit! I thnk that black and brown is a really great combination and I think you styled both colors together very well- props to you! :)
And I love the scarf you are wearing, it definitely looks like a scarf I would love to wear! :)
Ciao Lilli! L'abbinamento dei colori è perfetto! Bellissima! Baci
Ubique Chic
I hope you had a good weekend. I loved this outfit when I saw it on Instagram. I love the combination of colours with the camel jacket and black skirt but my favourite is those over the knee boots which make you look so chic. The oversized scarf is so on trend right now and it really does complete the outfit. I need to invest in a good chunky scarf. Have a great Christmas Lilli and thanks for being such a loyal reader over 2014 xx
Thanks a lot for your comments! xo
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