Welcome 2015! Hope you all had happy celebrations and started the year at the best; my wish is just to stay happy throughout it without being influenced from external circumstances and to keep doing what I love most :)
Here my usual monthly roundup of all my last outfits, if you want to see the whole post, click on the pic. Which is your favorite?
Have a wonderful weekend everybody!
Happy new year, Lilli! I can see how much you love red. I fell in love with blue last year. Beautiful outfits!
Buon anno cara! adoro quello con la gonna tartan
Ciao Lilli, buon anno a te! Stai benissimo in ogni tuo look, ma visto il periodo, il mio preferito è quello in rosso con la gonna scozzese! Un caro saluto.
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
How nice outfits :)
Sono sempre belli i tuoi outfit! Tantissimi auguri di Buon Anno!
New post
Tutti stupendi ma il n.1 è il mio preferito!! Quel cappottino grigio è eccezionale! *-*
Dear Lilli, I was waiting this post of your. You did some amazing outfit posts last year. Always looked gorgeous, loved all outfits but still some are my favorites. The first fav is burgundy coat with leather pants, the sec is tartan skirt with blue coat, the third is the camel color coat with black skirt and the fourth is the red coat with white scarf. So many variety and beautiful style. You are the best honey. Waiting more gorgeous looks this year. Hope you are enjoying your holidays. Here the weather is so bad. It's raining badly.. Wish you a very happy new year again. Kisses :)
Molto belli tutti i tuoi looks cara mia Lilli! Il rosso ti sta benissimo anche come il tartan e percio' il look con la gonna tartan e' il mio preferito! Ti auguro tutto piu' bello nel 2015.! Bacione cara mia! :)
Hey dear, Happ New year <3. U have put up some great looks for last year . And u have an amazing collection of red too.
Stay stylish n Inspire us in 2015 ..xoxo
Difficile scegliere un unico look di dicembre, in questo mese ti sei davvero superata Lilli... super stylish!!!!
Buon venerdì tesoro!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
stai bene sempre ma preferisco le foto 3, 5 e 6 !!! :)
bacioni e felicissimo anno 2015!!
impossibile scegliere un preferito, sei sempre adorabile!
Nameless Fashion Blog
I miei preferiti sono quelli con il rosso, anche perchè è un colore che sti sta benissimo! buon anno cara!!!
difficile la scelta...
sei stupenda in ogni singola foto ♥
se devo proprio scegliere, ti adoro nella prima e l'ultima ;-)
Hi Lilli!!
I love all your outfits!
You have a lovely way to match the colours together!
You always look gorgeous!
Happy New Year with new inspirations and great fachion style!Hugs!
Happy New Year, Lilli! I love #4 and #5 the most, but all of the looks are amazing! Have a great day!
xx Easy Outfits, by Pip
Sempre elegantissima Lily!!!
Buon 2015 :-)
The Princess Vanilla
Happy 2015! Your wish is my wish too and I hope it will be an wonderful year! :)
You have good taste, I appreciate your style. My favourites outfits?! Ooh, boy, this is not easy! I can't make a choice between nr 3, 5, 7! :D
Kisses, dear!
Lavender Thoughts
You definitely closed out 2014 very stylishly Lilli! I really like how your outfits range from elegant to sporty and look forward to seeing more of your style in 2015. Happy New Year sweet friend. I hope this years brings you much happiness, good health and all things wonderful! Hope you had a lovely Christmas as well!
Belli tutti, sei sempre meravigliosa Lilli! Un bacio tesoro.
Lilliiii, I missed you! Happy New Year again! Thank you for the amazing wishes on your previous post! Wishing you all the best - lots of health, happiness, love, blogging and life success! Be always the person you are because you are a great person! Keep your smile on your face and do the thing that makes you happy! I remember all of your December outfits, my favourite is #5! Btw, I had a dream with you that you posted some photos of you in Sofia while I was away in Bucharest, haha. How weird is that? Hope you had a nice NYE celebration! Kisses
A me piace molto il terz ultimo Lilly..quel,a gonna a pieghe è deliziosa e ti sta benissimo.
Un abbraccio forte forte.
wish you a very very happy new year doll
so many amazing looks from you, u have a really nice coat collection
all your outfits are amazing!♥ Happy New Year darling!:)
amo tutti gli outfit in particolar modo il 4!
Buon anno cara!
mi piacciono tutti...ma il mio preferito--- ultimo look!
il rosso ti dona<3
bellissima Lilli, ti auguro felice 2015!
♥ Missed you too! Thanks for the wishes Sany, I hope you had a nice NYE celebrations as well! Lol, that dream is so fun but I really hope to visit Sofia soon, maybe a premonitory dream?!:) Many kisses! xo
Dear i love your style. Casual but always with a special touch. And i love it, if you wear something in red. By your inspiration i bought today a red, red velvet coat at mango. At Sale!! i love it!! :)
ANd btw i love your no.1 outfit in allover gray too. Vi auguro un meraviglioso weekend :)
Happy New Year and best wishes for 2015. I agree to just aim to be happy and continue doing what you enjoy and what makes you happy; I hope you get to do this in 2015. I love the outfit round-up. My favourite is outfit 5, I told you how much I loved this outfit with the camel coat. I think I missed the post where you showed number 6 so it's good to see it here - I love the sports luxe look. Have a great weekend! x
I love roundup photos! I love a few of the outfits, so I can't pick one or maybe that grey one, but not sure... Happy New Year to you, Lilli!
Feliz año nuevo Lilli, todos tus outfits me gusta, lindos todos
Saludos desde Peru
Your outfits here are so stylish and chic Lilli. Love the colours. I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Happy new year babes. You look super dope all through.kisses.
My fav is the numbet six! <3 have a nice weekend Lilli!
Happy New Year Lilli! You look amazing in red! It's definitely your color. I LOVE that blue and grey together. It looks so good. Fashionable girl as usual. Wishing you even more fashion ingenious in 2015.
Your style is so gorgeous Lilli! I especial love the reds, maroons and beige color on you. Suits you very much!
Your third look is my fav though. So chic and classy xxxx
It's amazing how many coats you have! Great recap; your outfits are really fitting for the current season. Keep up the blogging in the New Year!
3, 5 e 7 sono i miei preferiti Lilli: adoro il burgundy, la pelliccia nera e la gonnellina a pieghe in eco-pelle! Bellissimi anche tutti gli altri ovviamente! Un bacione cara e buon anno, anche se con un po' di ritardo! :D
Ciao tesoro,
quanti outfit stupendi, sono stati tutti talmente belle che non saprei nemmeno scegliere il migliore.
L'anno è stato ricco di post interessanti e pieni di ispirazione. Per questo 2015 ti auguro il meglio,
non solo look spettacolari, post meravigliosi e tante soddisfazioni ma anche e soprattutto felicità,
divertimento e emozioni.
un bacione amica mia :*** <3
Hi, my dearest Lilli!
All outfits that you shared with us in the last month were fabulous, you always manage to look very chich and stylish! But if I had to choose one favorite outfit, I would choose outfit nr.1, because I really love how your hair and makeup looks + the fact that you wore a blue+grey combination, which I think looks flawless!
Cannot wait to see what outfits you'll wear this year! :)
Ti auguro un felice anno nuovo! Sono tutti molto belli questi outfit!
You always look so beautiful!
Happy 2015!
Many kisses!!!
qualità e stile! perfetto!
lascia un commento se ti va :CHIC STREET CHOC
seguiamoci su instagram!<a
buon anno!
Wonderful round-up, Lilli! I think you look beautiful on every photo, but if I had to choose one, I'd go for #3. x
Lovely outfits sweetheart! Happy new year
Keep in touch
Cara Lilli, sono tutti bellissimi i tuoi look, se devo scegliere ti preferisco con il rosso, è un colore che io amo molto e che ti dona particolarmente !!! Un bacio grande e tantissimi auguri per un 2015 meraviglioso, tesoro !!! Baci
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Hey Lilli! You're such a glam queen, whatever you wear you look so stylish and classy! I've said it many times, red is definitely your color, there's just something about it that makes you even more beautiful than you already are :) I hope you had a fantastic start of 2015, and I wish you all the best for your New Year's resolutions if you have any. :) Can't wait to be part of your 2015 blog journey! Have a fantastic week ahead of you Lilli <3
Take care always, love Christine ~ xx
Hello Lilli, I always like you in red or Burgundy. The first collage is my favourite. You know, after seeing your pink Burberry muffler, I was inspired to find mine and bring it along to Hanoi. I also thought it would be cool to do an OOTD with it but I'm so sad that I could neither find it in my current house nor in my family home. I simply can't understand where it has disappeared to.
I've not been here for a loooooong time and I've got lots to catch up on your blog. I will be spending the next few moments going through all the posts which I've missed out. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and new year and may 2015 be a shining and sparkly one for you!
Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
ciao Lilli! spero che tu abbia iniziato alla grande questo 2015! anche te in attesa della calza? :D uff, ma perché sono già finite le feste? :(
1,3, 4 e 7 sono i miei look preferiti, anche se sono tutti molto belli!
il rosso ti dona particolarmente, te l'ho sempre detto!
un bacione e buona domenica tesoro! <3 <3
I've told this to you many times, but you're always welcome to come and visit me! No joke! Kisses!
Ciao Lilli, mi piacciono molto il primo look ed il terzo, anche se devo ammettere che con il rosso stai veramente bene.
Un grande abbraccio. Spero di poterti conoscere un giorno, magari anche in questo 2015. Baci,
Happy New Year my dear!! I hope it's gorgeous for you!! You had a lot of wonderful outfits in December, my very favourites are 1 & 4, but all of them are gorgeous. I always love that you wear red, it is YOUR colour and looks perfect on you :))) I hope you have a sweet new week my dear...lots of hugs and loves to you xoxo
Lilli sei sempre stupenda in ogni look, mi piace molto il tuo stile!
My last post: Lucky red
Shopping Girls
Thanks everyone! xo
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