
# '70s # Fashion

Get Ready For Spring | Fashion Tips

Spring 2015 Trends

While I was browsing the web to see the new collections for spring (just to say, the one from Mango is utterly to die for), I've been inspired to create a short mood board of all the main trends. Only 10 days left until it starts, the countdown is officially began. The '70s are back: fringed items, kimonos, hobo bags, suede; I can't be happier, except for the wide-leg pants, as I still prefer the skinny model.
Together with the boho-chic vibe, there is the sporty one, another favorite of mine; you know I live in my leggings and trainers :)
Regarding the makeup, when I hear of berry lips, I soon think of the fresh and feminine spring look of Dolce & Gabbana for 2015, how gorgeous is it? Check out here, I can't stop to stare at this image, so inspiring.

Tell me, what do you think about these trends? What will be your go-to style for spring?



Unknown said...

aw I love this propositions :) for me the number one will be fringes, definitely!
have a great day!


Valeria said...

Ciao Lilli. Ci sono molti trend di questa primavera che apprezzo molto. Mi piacciono le frange e i pantaloni a zampa e da poco ho rivalutato le sneakers bianche. Bellissimo il look di Dolce & Gabbana, mi piacerebbe acquistare un rossetto di questo colore.
Un bacio


Åšwiat w kolorze blond said...

great trend and inspirations:)

Shopping Lady said...

Mi piace molto la tendenza boho-chic e questa selezione è fantastica, adoro quel modello di kimono!

My last post: PromTimes for your best moments

Shopping Girls

www.selodicecoco.it said...

C'è proprio tutto per essere super trendy! Baci Elisabetta

Veronica Vannini said...

Tanti trend molto carini per questa prossima stagione, un giubbino denim me lo devo prendere!!!
Bacioni cara!!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

Beauty Unearthly said...

These are all so gorgeous! Your style is stunning, Lilli! Kisses dear, have a good evening! xo

Federica Di Nardo said...

Io devo procurarmi dei jeans a zampa :P

The Cutielicious

Esmeralda said...

Mi piace tutto, anche se non sono ancora convinta delle coulottes! Non ho avuto ancora modo di provarle!

Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Seeing these pieces make me more than ready for spring now Lilli and it's actually warm in NYC today too. I'm with you on the sporty and boho vibe and I'm not ready to give up on my skinny jeans/pants yet either. That Dolce & Gabbana makeup look is quite lovely and I'm quite inspired by it as well.

Rowena @ rolala loves

MayLoveFashion said...

Lilli devo assolutamente prendere un giubbino di jeans, e pensare che anni fa ne avevo persino 3, tutti dati via!!

Shireen L. Platt said...

I love berry lips but I dislike anything that is connected to the Kardashians! LOL! Actually anything/anyone who is related to Kim Kardashian turns me off.

I really need to get myself a hobo bag, that is such classic look and it goes with everything from day to night. Recently I have been really attracted to anything that is pastel and I have no idea why! I have always been a neutral girl and all of a sudden, baby blue and lilac eyeshadows are so pretty to me. I'm not sure if I am diving head first into mid-life crisis, Lilli. Gawd help me. LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

nanussa said...

tutto bellissimo per la primavera!! bacioni cara buon pomeriggio :)

Unknown said...

I will be trying most of the trends but my favourite is the white sneaker trend!!!


Paola Lauretano said...

Che bella selezione Lilli, adoro la stampa vichy ed ho appena comprato un paio di culottes... non vedo l'ora di indossarli!!!!
Happy wed cara!
Kisses, Paola.


My Facebook

the chilicool said...

Mi piace molto questa tendenza!

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

SHi Lilli, after seeing these pieces I'm excited to welcome the spring now. The weather is better after raining here.You have selected some beautiful pieces for spring.Loved the sporty and boho vibe but that red shirt dress is of course my favorite. That Dolce & Gabbana makeup look is great. Amazing post my dear. Wish you a happy Wednesday. Kisses and hugs <3

Diana said...

Sono già nella mia w/l un paio di scarpe bianchissime, una nuova camicia tartan e di sicuro un paio di panta coulottes!
Bacioni Lilli! :)

Stanislava E. said...

Hi Lilli! I am a little bit sad as winter hit us and it's been snowing a lot these days. I was so optimistic for spring and now I have the feeling it will never come... Otherwise, I just love you fashion board! My favourites are the shirt dress, the military trend, fringes and white sneakers of course! I wouldn't wear the flares as in my opinion they make me look short. I also love the berry lips, but unfortunately this colour wouldn't look nice on me. Wishing you a nice evening, Lilli! xo

Lizzy said...

il boho style lo adoro, quindi appoggio molti dei trend che hai proposto!

Anonymous said...

Shirt dress, trainers and kimono, all yes! Love your sticky navbar / no header. Your blog looks so much better nowadays.

Pooja Mittal said...

oh wow, looks like a lot of trends are going to keep going strong
Keep in touch

Silvia Negretti said...

Il trend che aspetto di provare con più curiosità è quello delle culottes, mi piacciono molto ma devo ancora capire come ci starei...
E poi non vedo l'ora di mettere gli shirt dresses ed i quadretti vichy!^^

Laura said...

Cara Lilli, la tua selezione mi piace tantissimo!
Mi sono ricordata del mio giubbino di jeans vintage di Valentino che devo assolutamente recuperare!
Un abbraccio e buona serata :-)

DIMI said...

Hello Lilli!!
Great outfits dear!
Like the red shirt dress, it's gorgeous style for Spring!
And the berry lipstick is fantastic!
Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely week!

Ivana Split said...

I would gladly wear anything from this list, dear Lilli!
I love seventies...so seeing fringes and flare jeans everywhere lately makes me happy. I always wear flare jeans even when they're not in, for me they always are...I'm also willing to give culottes a try. The cropped pants are also a trend I like..Although, in my case most of my pants are cropped because whenever I buy pants that actually are my size, they are too short for me.

Suede is a material I'm fond of...I'll dig my closet and try to find something because I don't plan to do any shopping this Spring.


Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli,
i´m ready for the spring since weeks and the last days we got blue sky and sun in Germany. So i´m more and more in the mood for the new trend. Your mood board is very inspiring. The black Hobo bag is to die for. I also see the flared jeans trend in every magazine online. but i prefer the skinny pants too.
My personal trend for spring are my white sneakers. Hanno una bella sera, mio caro amico.

Unknown said...

Ciao Lilli! Che belle cose hai selezionato, specialmente il giubbino di jeans e il kimono sono splendidi! Sulle culottes non credo invece di sentirmi pronta, credo non mi potrebbero proprio stare bene! Il make up invece è stupendo, quel colore labbra è una meraviglia!!

Unknown said...

Ciao Lilli adoro tutti i trend che hai selezionato sopratutti i jeans a "zampa"

Dania said...

Lilly che bella selezione in particolare l abito rosso è bellissimo..



Ivanasworld said...

Great inspiration :)

*TDM* said...

ciao Lilli!
Sai che anche io sono rimasta folgorata dalla collezione di Mango?
Le frange, il suede, il modello kimono sono tutte cose che amo. Per quanto riguarda i jeans, anche io preferisco il modello skinny.
I make up di D&G sono sempre eccezionali, li amo!
Insomma anche in questo caso la vediamo allo stesso modo su tutto!
un bacione e buona serata <3 <3 :* Love you <3

Unknown said...

Suede, culottes e gingham no mancheranno..hai creato un ottimi post !
Non vedo l'ora arrivi la primavera!

Un grande bacio


Sola ante el espejo said...

Fantastica questa selezione! Baci tesoro.

Unknown said...

Hi Lilli! Awesome selections for Spring! Spring is my fave in terms of fashion, I just love all the kimonos, the florals and gorgeous pastels.. I wish it's spring and summer all year round so I can wear those trends all year =D I'm actually intrigued by the military green trend, I want to venture out and try more colors outside my comfort zone. Thanks for sharing Lilli! Have a fabulous day today <3

Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

Mariapia said...

Non ho mai giocato con gli anni '70 e il boho chic ... MI cimenterò ... Augurandomi di riuscirci!

New Post-> http://www.modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2015/03/serendipity.html

Chic Delights said...

Hi Lilli, everything here is my favourite like polo shirt, denim flare pants and super love gingham. I love wearing culottes too. I will look for culottes in the shops too.

tr3ndygirl influencer e fashion blogger said...

bellissima selezione Lilli, tanti trend interessanti
buon giovedì
un bacione
tr3ndygirl fashion blog

Alice said...

davvero una bella selezione Lilli, e il trucco della modella è semplice ma d'effetto, il colore del rossetto mi fa impazzire!

Alice's Pink Diary

nerline said...

I cannot wait to get into those culottes. Did you know that culottes mean panties in French? Haha! Kisses babe.

bydee-make-up said...

I am ready! :D
I love all the items but the kimono and the shirt dress are my favourites. :)

Rebecca said...

I am so excited to wear all these trends for Spring esp. my favorite FRINGES!!!


Unknown said...

Il rossetto berry lo trovo meraviglioso anche se non posso metterlo perchè ho un fidanzato che odia i rossetti. Sono felice del grande ritorno del jeans a zampa che ho sempre amato e che penso slanci molto la figura se ben abbinato. Le frange mi piacciono parecchio vi è solo un però, su di me non so vederle ma adoro quando le vedo indossate da altri. Un bacione tesoro e buona serata :*** <3 <3

Benedetta M. said...

Questa primavera stupirò tutti, non so perchè ma mi sento molto figlia dei fiori, sfodererò i miei vecchi jeans a zampa d'elefante e qualche capo con le frange risalente a mia mamma, vedremo cosa uscirà fuori! XD
Bellissime le tue scelte!




Unknown said...

Culotte e giacchetto jeans :)

Unknown said...

interessante la tua selezione!!!

Aida said...

Hi babe!
First of all I have to reaffirm how I am loving the new site redesign so much!
I will be trying most of the trends you so cleverly gathered togethr here, I just love he 70's revival. good job, with the selection, sweetie!

You make sporty looks chic, refined and super stylish. Red is definitely your color - bold and daring - as it looks so great with your skin complexion and that leopard fur bomber pairs greatly with thewhole ensemble. loved it!

as for your Friday loves The lip colour looks really wonderful, I believ that this colour on you will be so pretty!! I agree that it is ery important to nourish the hair after these harsh winter months and this oil is my favourite for a long time, no other one has done so good for my hair. Perfect choices.

Hugs and kisses dear Lilli

Demi Mist said...

I love the 70's style, so I like these trends!
Goodnight Lilli!!!
Many kisses!!!

ilda76 said...

Ciao Lilli!
I've missed you, now I'm glad to be here! :)

Very nice selection, dear! Let me choose my favourites: the hobo bag, the fringes, the flares pants, the kimono, the shirt dress! :D Mmm, I'm dreaming to blossom's spring!

Many kisses, dear! The weekend is coming, hope you'll have a happy one! :)
Lavender Thoughts

Eniwhere Fashion said...

Eccola qui con i suoi bellissimi post. Mi brillano gli occhi sai?
Se dovessi per forza scegliere, prenderei i jeans a zampa e la camicia a quadri. Ma siccome io non mi accontento mai aggiungerei anche le culottes e il kimono.
Un bacio grande bellissima Lilli.
A presto,

Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

Rebeca Muñoz López said...

Hi Lilli, I like gingham blouse seems ideal for spring, I bet the military green suit you very much!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I've been seeing a lot of shirt dresses Lilli. I need to purchase one.

alessandra said...

Bella selezione, mi piace tutto sopratutto il kimono!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Hello my dear...these are great, I like the berry colours and the flares as well, I was just saying the other day that I would love some bell bottom trousers which are a bit like flares really. The shirt dresses are nice too, I have one that I bought some years ago, haha...it's come back now. I hope you have a great Friday & weekend my dear. Lots of loves & hugs xoxo

Lilli said...

Thank you all! xo

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