I'm a huge fan of straw hats and when the weather starts to be quite warm I do love to wear them in the city, not only as protection but also as fashion accessory. Fedoras are my pick: the brim is wide but not too much as in the floppy ones, in my opinion more suitable for the beach or sea locations. They are timeless, fit each style, give that certain effortless mood to the look and, most important, hide a "bad hair day", that happens to be everyday to me when there is too much humidity :)
Are you a fedora lover? What kind of hats do you prefer in spring/summer, if you wear it?
Have a wonderful weekend!
I agree Lilli! I generally prefere fedora hats and the sraw ones are just perfect for hot but stylish summer days! Loving your pics.... Have to get myself one ;)
Buon weekend, cara mia! Bacio
Ciao Lilli, i cappelli mi piacciono e in genere mi stanno bene, purtroppo non riesco a portarli a lungo.
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger Facebook Bloglovin'
Hi Lilli, ypur hats selection here are fabulous. I love wearing hat during summer. These are perfect for the Beach. Happy Friday!
Hello Lilli!! I love hats, they are so fun to wear and perfect when the sun is very bright. These ones are so stylish and can be worn in a number of colours, perfect!! I hope you have a gorgeous weekend with lots of fun!! Hugs and loves xox
li vorrei tutti sono una fan dei fedora in generale e dei cappelli in paglia!giulia
i am feeling hats these days, just got the straw one with black bow today
Per questa estate ne cerco uno color naturale come l'ultimo modello in foto! Baci Elisabetta
I wish I suited a fedora more but I have a very round face and they just don't seem to work on me!
OH my my..hats are my most favorite. I really love wearing them during winter and summer. They give a stylish effect to all outfits. Straw hats are perfect for beaches. I need some straw hats for me and I'm going to buy some soon. Wish you a great Friday dear friend. Kisses and love <3
sono cappelli bellissimi!! baci cara ottimo weekend!! :)
Anything that brings cool air to the head while protecting the hair is a good thing. I love your selections, Lilli! Happy weekend babe!
Oh si, assolutamente... sono un fedora lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy friday bellissima!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
As you probably know, I love hats Lilli, and have quite a collection. I really like these styles that you selected. Fedoras are one of my favourites. Have a lovely weekend.
New Look & New Inspiration <3
Beautiful hats!!! I like to wear this type of hats this season! Many kisses dear Lilli and happy week-end <3
I love fedora's and want to invest in more. I'll take the black one!
Sono molt belli, adoro portare i cappelli! Molto belli questi di Fedora!
I think I need to buy a new hat as the weather is very hot!
Happy Friday!!!
I'm huge fan of straw hats as well Lilli. It started as a fashion accessory for me but I'm definitely interested in the sun protection now too. Fedoras are my favorite for the same reasons as you. They're just so effortless and go with everything. I can't wait to pull my straw ones out. I'm still wearing my cotton ones. Have a wonderful weekend my dear!
Rowena @ rolala loves
adoro i cappelli, belle queste proposte!
Hello sweet Lilli!!
Such beautiful hats!!I have a white straw hat i think i have to buy a black one too!
Oh,it's so hot here these days!Have a happy weekend my dear!Enjoy!
Fabulous Selection! Love the black and white one <3
Happy Weekend sweet Lilli :)
These are all so gorgeous! Many kisses! Have a great weekend!!!
Un accessorio che decisamente non può mancare per l'estate!! Bellissimo quello bicolor! Buon week-end Lilli!
Dear Lilli, since last summer i got an eye for Fedoras. Maybe your Post today is a sign for my, i should buy one. ;) Normally i just wear a hat for sun protection at the beach. But i think a Fedora is a very cool styling accessories. And btw i have every second day a bad hair day. ;)
I send you a big hug dear Lilli
Bellissimi Lilly, come vorrei mi stessero bene!! ( io non trovo un cappello che mi stia ok)..
Se mi piacciono??? Moltissimo. Solo che in generale mi stanno tutti grandi. Insomma, morale della favola è che purtroppo, non ne ho ancora trovato uno. Triste io :(((
Un bacione mia cara Lilli. Buon weekend,
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Bellissima selezione! Un bacio tesoro.
Ciao Lilli! :)
I could be a Fedora lover! I don't have a fedora hat... yet! :))
Hmmm... Mango, Zara, H&M?! So hard to choose just one, but I prefere the brights!
Inspirational post, cara! Grazie!
Una grande abraccia per la mia amica italiana! :)
Happy weekend!
Lavender Thoughts
I love seeing others wearing fedora hats! It's such a lovely way to dress up an outfit, it's always very chic. Again, I have yet to buy one for myself but hopefully I'll find one that looks good on me soon.
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Anche io come te li adoro, Lilli ! In particolare i panama, modello fedora sono perfetti...come dici tu sia come accessori che per nascondere i bad hair day che per chi vive sul mare, sono all'ordine del giorno, ahahah. Un bacione bellissima :-*
Fashion and Cookies
Great post.=) I love hats.
I love Fedoras Lilli and they are so stylish this year for men and women. I think my favorite is the white one!! Great choices and have a great weekend
These hats are my absolute favorites! I prefer them over wide brimmed and floppy hats.
Great post hun!
xx Kisses and enjoy your weekend
Tamara Chloé
I'd love to have a fedora since I currently don't own one. The white ones are gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend.
Nice selection!!! I love fedora hat!!!
You know I have a hat shop, I love Panama hat, handmade from Ecuador It is very cool and stylish.
Have a wonderful weekend!!! my g+ and like for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Oh, I love fedora hats, Lilli! I have a few myself and the models you have chosen are so beautiful! Kisses
sono stupendi questi cappelli!
Nameless Fashion Blog
I love those hats :)
Hi sweet Lilli! I love straw hats, especially in the Spring and the Summer. I fight the temptation to wear them in the Winter because that wouldn't be appropriate. I love the sun, but because of the medication I have to take, I must avoid the sun so that is another reason why I love to wear hat.
One summer a few years ago, I wore my fav fedora hat but suddenly there was summer rain and my hat was ruined. I was so sad because it way my fav hat.
Anyhow, I really like your selection. You have impeccable taste, dear Lilli.
buon weekend!
I love hats Lilli - I wear them more than I don't and fedoras and floppys and trilbys are my favourite. I like a floppy hat when I'm just lazing around but I love fedoras when I go to town or for dinner because as you say I like the brim which isn't too wide so I can see what I am doing. I wear hats for the same reason as you: a fashion accessory and to hide a bad hair day - I have many of those too ha ha. I love the black one in the left hand corner. Have a lovely weekend x
piacciono tantissimo anche a me Lilli io ne voglio uno neutro
Mrs NoOne
Io li adoro!! Questi poi sono davvero bellissimi!!
Un bacione e buona domenica,
Hi Lilli! I think I have noticed you are a fan of hats in the summer. I remember one outfit of yours that you were wearing a hat. They are really nice, but I wonder if they don't make you feel hotter. Otherwise, I like the first 2 of your choice and I'd love to buy one too! They are perfect for a vacation walks near the sea, or simply to go to the beach. Good choice, Lilli! Have a nice Sunday! xo
the hats are amazing! Love it ;)
io ce l'ho bianco!
ciao Lilli! anche io ho un debole per i cappelli! quello nero e marrone lo avevo notato anche io, ma mi piacciono moltisismo anche quelli più chiari (che trovo più estivi) e quelli in paglia!
sono un accessorio assolutamente must have!
un bacione e buona domenica <3
I have a fedora hat that I love it to bits but the only time I wear them is during my travels to beach areas or summer areas and during photoshoots. Somehow I can't really wear headgear like caps/hats etc for too long as the heat would all be inside that gives me a headache rather than protecting me. A straw fedora doesn't keep the heat in too much and so I love it.
It is nice to see you layering as the weather gets warmer.
Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
I read that as "I'm NOT a fan of..." hahahaha! I had to do a double take and immediately noted my mistake. I love your hat collection and the way you style them. I love them too, but I'm really picky with mine. I prefer them sitting in my wardrobe than on my head. They just annoy me sometimes.
Ciao Lilli. Io adoro i cappelli ma non riesco proprio a indossarli perché non mi stanno benissimo. Mi piacerebbe acquistare un Fedora prima o poi.
Un bacio
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