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Buongiorno Lilli! Il mio preferito è sicuramente quello con il vestito rosso e il giacchino di jeans!
maxi's are totally your thing, and i loved the little pink dress
Great outfits, hun!!
Oddio, quale dirti che è il mio preferito se mi sono piaciuti tutti?
Questa è una scelta difficile, non ce la faccio.
Dunque, vediamo...
No, abbi pazienza, ma ognuno ha qualcosa a cui non riesco a rinunciare. Non so proprio scegliere. Perdonami. :(
So many varied outfits! You suit maxis and I think my favourite look is no 5 as I'm such a fan of neutrals. I can't believe June is coming to an end. This month has flown by and today at last we have summery weather! Have a great week!
These are all wonderful and chic outfits Lilli. I can't believe it is almost end of June. Looking forward to your outfits this summer. Have a wonderful week.
sono tutti belli ma il numero 6 e' quello che preferisco e ti sta benissimo!! bacioni cara e buona settimana :)
Your June outfits were so cute Lilli; it's so hard to choose a favorite. I like the bold color pieces and all the leopard print items. Have a great week.
Hello my lovely!! These are gorgeous outfits, I like the dress the most, the colour is perfect!! I hope you had a great weekend my dear & you new week will be bliss too...lots of hugs and loves xox
Adoro i tuoi look casual e comodi ma sempre così curati e chic e sai benissimo quanto mi piaccia il rosso su di te!
My last post: Dressed up
Shopping Girls
Ciao Lilli!
Even I like all your June looks I vote for no 1, 3 and 4, very representative.
baci cara, buona giornata!
The last one is still my favourite, but you look good on every photo! X
Hey babe!
loving your roudup so much- the bright colours, the cool outfits, the lovely photos - on fleek!
FIFI LAPIN - This is a such a cool and nice look for you. Looks so edgy and stillchic. I like the fringe on your shirt ans the way it almost makes it look like a dress. Your shoes are just too fab!
COPY THE OUTFIT - Amazing items dear Lilli, you've recreated the look perfectly!
Happy happy week my dearest
bacci tanti
Sei sempre bella lilli, se ne dovessi scegliere uno ti direi vestito rosso, panama e guiubbino jeans!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
I love all the pictures of you wearing red, Lilli! Red seriously suits you, it makes you look so radiant and glowing. Can you believe June is almost over? Where has the time gone to?!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
che bello quello con la maxi skirt rossa e la maglia a righe!
I love the dresses with the denim jacket, but you look stunning in all of them doll!
I missed your Fifi Lapin post Lilli! That shirt is just too cute. You really have to excuse my lack of blogging lately. I'm doing home renovation currently. LOL I think I've told you before, but RED is your color. Love the mix with various blues and whites. Love stripes on you! Great looks.
The pink dress and the stripey top / red skirt are my favourite outfits!
Another month of chic looks for sure! I went and dug out my Fifi Lapin t-shirts after seeing your fabulous one :) Have a lovely week dear Lilli!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Adorable <3
My favorite ones are the Max Dress and the maxi Skirt :)
lovely greets from Vienna ,kisses!
Buongiorno dear Lilli,
Juni was a month of colorful outfits of you. I know you love bright colors like red and pink. And you a right, theses colors fits you so perfect. A touch of animal print was also a big theme last month for you. You look wonderful in every single Juni outfit. You got the right hand for fashion my dear.
Bacio Cla
Ciao Lilli <3! Il primo ed il quarto sono in assoluto i miei preferiti! Il rosso è un colore che ti dona particolarmente, un abbraccio e buona serata
Sei Sempre graziosissima, tutti belli in particolare quello con l'abito rosso ed il giubboni denim mi piace molto
Buona serata
A me piacciono tantissimo quelli con il rosso: vestito e maxi gonna! Bellissima sempre ma quei due sono i miei preferiti!
Adorable :) Have a nice week :)
E' difficilissimo scegliere perché questi look li ho amati tutti ! Voto per l'abito maxi rosso perché ti sta troppo bene e adoro l'abbinamento con quella clutch, ma mi sono piaciuti tutti, bellissima e bravissima Lilli <3 Baci
Fashion and Cookies
Sei sempre adorabili e bellissima Lilli! Un bacio tesoro.
If you remember the comments I left on your previous posts you can possibly guess which outfit is my favourite. I love the last one Lilli just because I'm so in love with those booties and that top but I think number 5 comes a close second. Can you believe that we are at the end of June already - this year is really flying by. Happy July when it arrives x
so nice!
ciao Lilli! <3 anche questa volta è davvero difficilissimo scegliere!
diciamo che 1,2 e 4 sono i miei preferiti! come ti dico sempre, in rosso sei anche piĂą stupenda del solito!
un bacione
Cara Lilli, as always, you looked stunning in each and every combo :) You have a great taste in fashion and I always enjoy in the clothes you wear. If I had to choose one, I would go for the second one because I love to see you in bright colors as well as in tripes so these too were just the right combo if you ask me! Bacione cara e buona settimana!
Lovely looks! No6 is my favorite<3
First one look and last one was my fav this month Lilli, I can 't wait your proposal un July, btw this is my month :3 Kisses dear!
Super bello questo recap, in rosso mi piaci tantissimo bella bionda!!!!
(Avevo giĂ controllato la distanza, se oltre 200km lontana dal Golfo di Orosei ed io sono qui senza auto... mi sarebbe piaciuto tanto.... next time *~*) P.S. Vieni tu!!!!!
xo Paola
My Facebook
Hello Lilli, you are so beautifull always My fav are two, the second and fourth!!!
kisses my friend :)
Nooooo, one of my favourite months is almost gone :( But anyway, July is a nice one too! :P I really like the June roundup of your outfits, Lilli! My fav are #1, 2 and 4! You look great in pink and red, you should wear these colours more often! I've already said it, but your denim jacket is my fav! Have a nice day, Lilli! xo
il mio preferito è il look con il maxidress rosso e quella bellissima clutch!
adoro anche il giacchino e il cappello!
recap stupendo e scegliere è davvero molto difficile, però sicuramente il rosso ti dona da morire e quindi gli outfit con questo colore sono il top... a presto cara
tutti molto carini ma il mio preferito è quello con il cappello ed il vestito rosa, stai benissimo con i vestiti lunghi, dovresti usarli più spesso
A me piace molto il numero tre. Sono tutti belli sai e ti stanno benissimo!
new post
Really beautiful outifts on you Lilli. Looks like you loved red this month, and it looks so lovely how you style it. Have a wonderful week. xx
FT Kitchen Tales
stai benissimo, con ogni look , il mio preferito è quello con il vestito rosso!
bellissimo il primo look vestito rosa abbinato alla giacca di jeans!! mi piace tanto :)
Alice's Pink Diary
l'ultimo outfit mi piace molto, particolare la maglia con le frange :)
Ciao Lilli!
I'm so glad to see you! I'm back... :)
Uuhh, I lost on my blog this outfit roundup, I hope I'll find this post again!
You look amazing, dear! It's so hard to choose my favourites looks of you! How can I choose between girlish no1, misterious no 2, sexy no 3, chic no 4 and also sexy no 6? That's impossible!
Mille baci cara mia! E una grande abbracia! :)
Lavender Thoughts
tutti belli belli Lilli
buon mercoledì
un bacione
tr3ndygirl fashion blog
Thanks for stopping by! xo
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