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This blog is made just for fun. There could be some photographs taken from web with the owner or the source indicated where possible. I do not claim any right to these. If you think any of the content violates the copyright of others, please contact me and it will be immediately removed. Thank you :)
The beach view looks so nice. Your outfit is perfect for the beach. Enjoy Lilli!
dear you look so glamours!
Wishing you a fantastic week there in the sun! as for us we`re all in rains as usual:)x
Sei stupenda con questa mise da spiaggia super chic! Baci Elisabetta
Lilly sei una meraviglia! e che fisico!
Omg, that hat looks so gorgeous on you...Perfect skirt and the view. Lovely post my sweet Lilly :*
Ciao Lilli!
Wonderful hat, mysterious and elegant lady! :)
Have a great week.
You look amazing.I love the maxi and hat
magnifico questo cappello!
Nameless Fashion Blog
This is such a glamorous beach look Lilli! You look so elegant and chic and the beach is lovely as well. Have a wonderful week my dear!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Che bella Lilli! Stai benissimo con questo cappello.
Un bacio e buon inizio di settimana.
Sei meravigliosa!
Un bacione,
Sei favolosa Lilli, mi piace a moriré questo abito! Un bacione tesoro.
Wow! you look gorgeous <33 amazing photos <33
Like me on FACEBOOK
Lilli ma che belle queste foto con questo maxi cappello!
Sei perfetta!!!
Che bel mare :-)
The Princess Vanilla
Ehhh ragazza tu ci sai fare! Che chic! Magnifica! <3
Le foto sono fantastiche e bellissima la gonna!
Sono senza parole.... sei splendida, perfetta, meravigliosa!!!!!
Have a stress free week doll!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
Semplicemente stupenda!
My last post: Light layering
Shopping Girls
bellissimo completo!! brava lilli, baci buona settimana :)
...perfetta anche in versione vita da spiaggia!!!...io al mare invece non sono molto fashion, una maglia e pantaloncini!!!
...un bacione!!!
beautylove le mie follie
Tesoro, ma sembri una diva!! bellissima!!! Il capello è stupendo e poi adoro l'abbinamento che ti rende elegante e tanto chic. Buona serata amica mia baci :* <3
Ciao Lilli!!! Dear, you look stunning, breath taking! Sei misteriosa, sei molto feminine, sei bellissima! :) Have fun, cara mia! Enjoy every moment!
Big hug and kisses!
Lavender Thoughts
You look amazing, dear friend!!!!
Have a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Dear Lilli, I saw your outfit at Instagram and Pinterest before and excited. I'm still excited, this is such a great summer look and looks fantastic with your amazing body. The big white hat give you a touch of a diva, very pretty cara amica. Bacio Cla
Bellissima e un po' misteriosa Lilli in queste foto! :D Adoro la gonna a righe a vita alta e che meraviglia il cappello da diva! Poi vorrei teletrasportarmi su quella spiaggia....
Wow... as soon as I saw the pic on IG I feel in love with this outfit! It's so lady like and so beautiful... I love it so much! I'm a huge fan of cropped tops with hight waisted skirts... and then the hat! Pure perfection!
Buona settimana cara mia! Bacione
First of all, can I just say wow wow wow! You look amazing and have a fantastic body Lilli. This is such a cute outfit and really suits you and is definitely one of my favourite of your outfits so far. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place, people pay good money to go on holiday where you live and you have it right on your door step. Enjoy the week, I hope you have lots more sunshine! x
Che meraviglia questo cappello!
Lilly stai troppo bene, bellissimi cappello e crop top.
I want to hate you, Lilli, your figure is so slim and perfect! I'm so jealous. LOL! Seriously though, you look absolutely lovely with the hat, crop top and maxi skirt. A casual yet very chic and sophisticated look, I love it!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
wow Lilli, super fabulous! You look very elegant, I loved your hat!
stupenda Lilli! adoro la prima foto!
mi piace moltissimo tutto, anche gli accessori sono perfetti!
bellissima la mia ginnasta preferita! <3 :*
buonanotte <3
That outfit looks so good on you Lilli! Honestly you should model for a magazine! Your poses are so striking.
You are every inch a hottie in this look!!
Love the beautiful Pics ,looks like from a Fashion Magazine :)
So pretty, I love the outfit! The pictures are gorgeous!
Wow...it look super amazing Lilli...Have a successful day dear!
Lovely skirt <3
Ludo,look strepitoso...adoro il cappello e quella gonna a righe.Sulla location,beh non servono commenti...le meraviglie di casa nostra.
Bacio tesoro!!!
lilli in quella prima foto sei favolosa. Questa è una foto da rivista, super nella posa e nell'outfit che ti sta magnificamente. E' tutto così estivo, curato e perfetto che ho solo da dire wow, sei stata una stylist perfetta.
Love this look and that hat is gorgeous on you!!
How wonderful... x
Lilli ma sei una meraviglia in queste foto! Un look da vera diva!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger Facebook Bloglovin'
What a gorgeous summer look Lilli. You look amazing, and I love the grande hat and crop top. <3
Evening Entertaining
ma sei super chic con questo look! una vera diva!!!
bellissime foto!!
Un look e delle foto Che esprimono al meglio la Tua femminilita', sei semplicemente fantastica! Adoro questo look
Un bacio dolcezza
You look stunning, I see that yoga is very successful not only physically but emotionally, I would like talk more about the subject and not'se perhaps just an idea, I loved your combination and your land is that it is a nice place. Kisses Lilli!
You look amazing and that place is also so lovely :)
Is that you Lilli? You look so stunning doll. I love THE hat.
favola di look Lilli
sei stupenda
buon mercoledì
un abbraccio
tr3ndygirl fashion blog
Ma che bella Lilli, una vera diva!!
Baci! F.
La Civetta Stilosa
sei bellissima Lilli quella gonna e' un incanto
Mrs NoOne
Liliiiiiiii, I want this skirt! It's the one I've been coveting this summer! I will sure check out Tezenis if they have it there! Lovely photos and you look absolutely sexy in the white top and hat! And the location is beyond amazing, I am jealous! Have a sunny day ahead, Lilli! xo
What a gorgeous setting and outfit. You remind me of some wealthy socialite basking in the Italian sun on her own private terrace watching out over all the crowds of nasty tourists ;o)
Happy week to you lovely,
Thanks a million for your comments! xo
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