Few items I'm currently loving.
1) L'OREAL PARIS SUBLIME SUN POWDER: A compact sunscreen that comes in only one universal shade, ideal to use instead of the usual liquid foundation. The texture is very light, smooth and water-resistant; helps to keep the skin matte and protected during the day.
2) L'OREAL PARIS INFALLIBLE MEGA GLOSS N. 402: A gorgeous liquid lipstick with a great matte finish. This shade went soon sold out since is the most beautiful, at least for me. Together with the Sublime Sun, I just love it and, in fact, I'm using it every day.
3) PHILIPPE MATIGNON ONE-PIECE SWIMSUIT: This is my last purchase, luckily found 40 % off. One-pieces are very trendy this summer and I think is a good investment during the sales, the whole price is usually pretty high for just a swimwear, don't you think? I hope to find another one in red too.
4) TIC TAC POPCORN: Addictive, flavoury and super appetizing, plus the packaging is so irresistile. I have to control myself every time I eat only one because I'm easily able to finish all the pack :)
What are your recent loves?
Wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Hello lovely...Happy Friday!! These are wonderful. I very much like the mega gloss and these tic tacs, I am crazy for tic tacs, haha!! I need to find that, it's a must :))) I hope you have a wonderful weekend my sweet. Hugs and loves xox
Hey Lilli, these are some lovely things, love the red lip gloss. Love he tic tac. All four items are perfect for visiting a beach. Great picks dear. Kisses and hugs <3
ahaha lo sai che non ho il coraggio di provare le tictac popcorn?! Buone vacanze Lilli :*
Dear Lilli, a pretty nice selection of your favorite products. I'm sure the swimsuit look fantastic for you and Loreal gloss is a great color. I would like to have this too. The TicTac is new for me, I will open my eyes at my next supermarket trip. :)
Wish a a fantastic weekend
Voglio provare la Sun powder di L"Oreal!
Bacio bambola!
xo Paola
My Facebook
That swimsuit has such a great classic look to it and it's awesome you were able to get it on sale. I saw a few one pieces I liked on sale but they were all out of my size. I have never heard of popcorn flavored Tic Tacs but you have me so curious now. i will have to see if I can find them here. Happy weekend dear Lilli!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Great stuff Lilli!!!!
Hope you are doing well!!!!!
Bellissimo il rossetto l'ho preso anche io e adoro il costume intero nero! Baci Elisabetta
Le Tic Tac al pop corn?!?! Dove? Come? Quando?
Perché io non le ho ancora viste?!?! Le voglio!
Si, e anche il costume. Mi piace un sacco!
Buon weekend tesoro! :*
I'll need to look out for the L'Oreal Sun Powder, had no idea that they have something like this in their range. And the liquid lipstick sounds lovely too...I am soooo going shopping this weekend. LOL!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Hello sweet Lilli!!
I like the red gloss!
Perfect color for Summer!
I don't know the Sun Powder and the popcorn flavored Tic Tacs !!
Sound very interesting ideed!!
Have a wonderful weekend dear!Enjoy!Hugs!
Quante belle cose! Un bacio Lilli.
Hello, the L'Oreal products looks fabulous. They will definitely charm. But I'm not so sure about the popcorn tic tacs. I hope you enjoy the weekend.
Ciao Lilli! :)
L'Oreal gloss has an amazing shade of red! I also like the swimsuit!
I didn't know untill now that Tic Tac has popcorn product! :)
Thanks for this nice presentation, cara mia! Baci e abbraci!
Hope you'll have a relaxing weekend! :)
Lavender Thoughts
I've not heard of that favour of Tic Tacs before. Must try! I think I saw your lovely swimsuit on your Instagram. A one piece in black like this one is so elegant and stylish! Have a great weekend.
I adore the shade of this lipstick so much! Have a fab weekend, Lilli! x
Io adoro i tic tac al pop corn, da quando li ho provati son diventati una droga e devo cercare di auto nascondermeli in casa per non divorarli ahahah bacio
I would love to try the tic tac!! It sounds interesting!! Happy weekend Lilli!!
The bathing suit looks classy. And I had never seen tic tac popcorn.
Dear Lilli, I love your new swimsuit, I loved it as soon as you showed it to us on IG! It's amazing and I just know that it looks amazing on your great body!
I recently love a Eveline Argan oil... my skin feels so soft after using it! Have to get myself a new bottle very soon! :*** Buona domenica cara mia! :***
That swimming costume is perfect. Stylish and effortless and I can imagine it looking great in red and red would definitely suit you! I think one piece swimsuits are great for people who are conscious about wearing a two piece although any costume would suit you and your hot body. Tic tac popcorn, how cool, I have never heard of this. I would have to stop myself eating the lot too! I hope you've had a great weekend Lilli x
ho bisogno di un costume interno subito anzi adesso
Non avevo ancora visto quelle tic tac, devo averle!! La cipria l'orla m'incuriosisce molto..
Mimma ♡ Sunday
oh wow! popcorn flavored tic tacs! that's so cool.
Popcorn ticking sounds fun, I like your new swimwear, looks very elegant!
The lipstick is such a great colour. I also like the one-piece swimsuit. Hope you enjoyed your weekend Lilli dear. x/Madison
Luxe Vegan Skincare
Hi Lilli! You are so cute with the popcorn, haha. I haven't seen these here, but I would do the same as you, lol. The swimsuit is nice, congrats on your purchase, but I prefer bikini. About the powder - thank you so much for sharing! This is exactly a product I need, as I avoid using tons of make-up in the summer, but I need to matte my skin. Hope you're doing fine, I'm gonna check your previous posts :) Kisses
I love this classic swimsuit, just a timeless classic!
Have a great week ahead, dear!
le tic tac pop corn voglio assolutamente assaggiarle
buon martedì
un abbraccio
tr3ndygirl fashion blog
Un costume intero così di classe mi ci vorrebbe e non sai quanta voglia ho di provare i tic tac popcorn !!! Baci bellezza
Fashion and Cookies
The Foundation sounds great ,think that i want it too :)
Lovely Greets <3 ,kisses!
Thanks everyone! xo
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