
# Cagliari # Faery Academy

Friday Loves | Faery Academy, Where Dreams Come True

Faery Academy

Happy Friday Everyone! Today's post is very special and important to me as I'm going to share with you one of the most amazing experiences I had in all my life, that's maybe why it took a bit of time before writing it, just to find the right words and feelings inside me.

You maybe don't know it yet but I had a different vocational training from what I do (or better, try to aim for) now. After high school diploma, I studied law but I made a huge mistake as it wasn't the right choice for me at all. Luckily, the years spent at university are just a far memory now and I'm easily able to talk about them, but if I only could turn back the time, I'd rather take a different decision with no doubts, even though I don't regret those years, they made the person I am now. However, my dream has always been to study fashion, fashion styling to be clear, that's why I started the blog, to feel everyday a little close to it and in the meantime I became always more passionate about the field of fashion and beauty, till being a huge obsession :)

Last spring, I joined the Faery Academy, a well-known and prestigious academy, now an accredited agency from Regione Autonoma Sardegna, based here in Cagliari, founded and run by 2 of the most amazing people I know: Silvia Cannas and Luca Deiana. For years I dreamed to attend the academy, my goal was, in fact, to make my passion a real job.

Faery Academy

At the Faery Academy I took two courses so far: one in Image Consultant and Self Branding (held by Silvia and Luca), in May; and one in MakeUp Artist (held by the famous Rossano De Cesaris, helped by his sweet assistant Alice Alfonsi), in July. Who follow me on Instagram might probably remember my adventures there but if you like check out their facebook page to see the photos, they are so beautiful and will definitely arouse your curiosity (here, here, here, here and here). I really learnt so so much during these courses, short but very intense; my personal taste on many things is changed and also my fashion sense has been influenced in some way. I met new interesting and nice people who inspired me, and made new friendships too.

Silvia Cannas - Image Consultant and Self Branding Course

Luca Deiana - Image Consultant and Self Branding Course

Image Consultant and Self Branding Course

Rossano De Cesaris MakeUp Artist Course

Rossano De Cesaris MakeUp Artist Course

The academy is always active and offers many other professional courses during the year, always held by great and selected professional figures in the specific area, and is my intention to keep to attend it whenever will be new courses I'm interested in. My experience at the Faery Academy, in fact, has been fantastic, one of the best ever in my life and I highly recommend it not only to the people who live in my country but also abroad. The atmosphere is friendly, the mood is so inspiring and creative, the people are nice, kind and always very helpful. 

Next January their new regional course in makeup artist will be launched and I'm very thrilled and happy for them because they are now an accredited agency and that means the certificate issued at the end of this course will be valid in all the EU territory, not only in the country. Is really a big opportunity for us Sardinian but also everyone who have the dream to become a makeup artist and want to be trained in a high-qualified academy.

Faery Academy - Corso Regionale Truccatore

Presentazione Corso Regionale Truccatore - Faery Academy

My path is still long and still don't know where will lead me, but one thing is sure, I won't ever give up on the passions and things that make me feel alive; the Faery Academy helped me to make some of my dreams come true, to believe in myself more and to take the courage to seriously pursue my goals in life and in job, for that I will be always thankful and proud to have be trained by them :)

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks a lot for reading!




Congratulations on your triumph Lilli, and you just never know where this will lead. It sounds like this was a great (accredited) academy for you to be trained by. I think it's always important to go forth with your passion. Happy weekend lovely xx/Madison
Autumnal Brights

Shireen L. Platt said...

Congratulations on finally accomplishing your dream, Lilli! You actually inspired me to search if there's an academy such as this in the town where I live. I've long wanted to learn about beauty alas, I think the nearest academy is a few hours drive away. :-/

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

Hai fatto bene, hai avuto coraggio! Non sapevo che avessi studiato legge, ma vedi anche io se avessi avuto coraggio qualche anno fa avrei dovuto cambiare lavoro e buttarmi nel settore moda, invece ho avuto paura. Brava lilli!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

That's amazing Lill! Congratulations! I'm so happy and proud for you. being able to recognize that you're not on the right path can sometimes be hard but you were very brave to make the change and it's obvious you have a passion for makeup artistry. Can't wait to see where it takes you! Happy weekend!

Rowena @ rolala loves

Dania said...

Tantissimi complimenti di cuore Lilluna, sei raggiante!
Un bacio



A Very Sweet Blog said...

Lilli, that is wonderful! I want you to continue whenever possible because it will open doors to so many amazing things. I could tell you had a great time and learned a lot to!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this personal post with us. It's so inspiring for me to see that you have had a dream and never given up on it. It's so important to also take action, as you did, and making the dream a reality. I truly hope that your journey will lead you to everything that you have ever wished for and that you feel fullfilled and happy. And please keep sharing your successes as it encourages those who read about it, to get out and pursue their dreams as well. xo

Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Congratulation to you Lilli.
This sounds so fantastic for you. It's very import to have dreams and life for that. You are a very smart and strong woman. I follow your blog for a long time and with all you outfits I can see your creativity and your right hand for fashion. So dear Lilli go for your dreams, go for your passion. I'm very sure you will make your lead. Wish you a very nice weekend you beautiful women inside and outside!

Unknown said...

Lilli tanti tantissimi
Complimenti!!!!!!! Ti auguro tante belle cose, Che si avveri ogni tuo desiderio !
Bacio grande


Paola Lauretano said...

Congratulazioni Lilli, bisogna sempre seguire le proprie passioni!!!
Sei splendida e felice in queste foto!!!!
Kisses, Paola.


My Facebook

Ivana Split said...

I'm happy to hear you had such an amazing experience with this academy....congrats on getting accepted and finishing the courses!!!

Chic Delights said...

That's so nice Lilli that you are turning your dreams into reality. You are achieving your goals. All the best to you Lilli.

nerline said...

Congrats, Lilli!! That's amazing. I wish you the best!

Beauty Unearthly said...

Congratulation to you Lilli. I'm so happy and proud for you!
Wish you all the best! kisses

Fashion Snobber said...

Congratulazioni cara! Bravissima e che si realizzi ogni tuo sogno!
Sei spettacolare! :*

Beauty said...

This is very beautiful information Lilli. I am so happy for you that you are now pursuing your passion and having fun learning new things.
Congratulations to the Faery Academy on their accreditation too.

Have a great weekend.

LoveT. said...

Congrats to you Lilli!

Have a fantastic Weekend, lots of Hugs <3

MayLoveFashion said...

Ma che bello Lilli, hai fatto benissimo non c'è cosa più bella che poter realizzare i proprio sogni!

Vale ♥ said...

Lilli sei una forza della natura ! Ti ammiro molto perché stai seguendo le tue passioni, i tuoi sogni, e non è da tutti ! Ti auguro solo il meglio, complimenti per quanto fatto fino ad ora e auguri per quanto ti riserva il futuro ! Baci baci

Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

Unknown said...

Lilli this is such a beautiful and heartfelt post. I'm so happy for you and you so deserve to become what you want to be and do what you are passionate about. We all make mistakes and make the wrong choices in life, like you did with law, but it's what you do with your future that is most important and you are taking steps to follow your dreams. This academy sounds amazing and I completely agree that it's important to have a reputable certified qualification that is recognised everywhere because it opens up more opportunities for you. The pictures you took are amazing and it looks like the course took place in a great place. I'm hoping to do a fashion styling course myself. Congratulations Lilli and I wish you all the best in achieving your dreams!! xx

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Hope it leads to some amazing projects in the future, Lilli! x

marilovesgr33n said...

Lilli, sai che non sapevo la tua storia. Non sapevo che avessi fatto diciamo così una scelta sbagliata, ma che per fortuna hai deciso di inseguire i tuoi sogni. Il punto è che quando iniziamo l'università siamo così giovani e spesso ci lasciamo influenzare da mille altre cose.

Maria at inredningsvis said...

Hi LIlli LOVE your new updated blog layout :) and I didnt know that you were a personal stylist that is SO cool and I really need one myself Im stuck in the old clothes just for safety haha

Check out my Norway travel post and have a fab new week dear :)


Eniwhere Fashion said...

Mia cara Lilli,
purtroppo non possiamo tornare indietro nel tempo. Anche io avrei fatto sicuramente scelte differenti riguardo all'università, ma grazie anche all'aiuto del blog possiamo comunque mantenere la nostra passione per la moda e lo style in generale. Poi capitano esperienze bellissime come questa nel tuo caso dove impari tante belle cose e ti fanno crescere.
Sono contenta che ti sia piaciuta molto e ti abbia aiutata...dev'essere stata proprio un esperienza fantastica.
Ti mando un grosso abbraccio. Ciao cara.

Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

sonia // daring coco said...

Lilli this is amazing. I love that you followed and are following your passions and dreams. I completely understand you. I started with interior design but it wasn't right for me. I didn't know at the time but my passions lay elsewhere too. Took a few years to discover it but here we are and like they say, better late then never.


Lilli said...

Thanks a bunch for your kind support and comments! xo

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This blog is made just for fun. There could be some photographs taken from web with the owner or the source indicated where possible. I do not claim any right to these. If you think any of the content violates the copyright of others, please contact me and it will be immediately removed. Thank you :)