
# Fall # Fashion

Monday Talk

Monday Talk

Happy Monday Everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was restful and quiet, at last. On Saturday, I went to the beach for a relaxing stroll: it was so lovely and seemed it was still summer, how I miss it already! Then yesterday, I did some shopping at Mango, taking advantage of the mid season sale. I got this coat and this scarf, both are more than 30% off, so a good deal. There were many other lovely things to grab but to be honest, Mango's prices went up a lot lately, aren't they? However, can't cait to wear my newins, it won't miss that much :)

Did you get something new recently? What is your favorite store to shop, any recommended? Share your thoughts and enjoy your week!


Image via Tumblr


www.selodicecoco.it said...

Mango è uno tra i miei negozi preferiti, anche se devo dire che mi diverto molto di più sul sito, nelle mie vicinanze ci sono negozi Mango molto sforniti e non trovo molto delle collezioni! Baci

Vale ♥ said...

Io ho fatto shopping sfrenato sabato e ho riposato la domenica, oltre a mangiare fino a scoppiare ! Devo fare un salto sul sito di Mango, lì non ho ancora fatto danni ;) Baci e buon inizio settimana Lilli cara

Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

Liza said...

Nice post, Lilli. I haven't got a time to go for a shopping lately. I've been busy like crazy with works. Enjoy your new items, darling.

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Hi Lilli, glad to know about your weekend dear. I couldn't do anything special due to Muharram. We are busy these days. I would love to see you wearing your newins.
Have a great Monday dear <3
Kisses <3

Esmeralda said...

Questo week end,insieme a Francesca, Alice ed Alina ci siamo divertite a fare un pò di foto insieme per il blog! Mettendo in allarme il ministero degli esteri!! Poi sul blog racconteremo tutto!
Un bacio

Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

Chic Delights said...

HI Lilli, I had a quiet and restful weekend too. But it will be a busy Monday for sure. I haven't shopped much but Mango always have good selections. Enjoy your new purchases.

Dania said...

Beata te che vai ancora al mare Lilly!!!
Fantastici gli acquisti.



Sandra Leiva said...

I love both pieces you bought!



MayLoveFashion said...

Ehi Lilli io questo week end niente shopping, però ho passato un bellissimo sabato in compagnia di amici ;)

Maria Flicka said...

Hi Lilli, my weekend was relaxing and peaceful too. Unfortunately you're right, Mango's prices went up a lot lately. Anyway I love your new coat and the scarf, they're really cool. And the coat looks so comfy. Have a great week dear friend, all the best. Many kisses and hugs♥♥♥♥♥♥

"Health & Beauty"

Anonymous said...

Lovely purchase: the jacket is really your style!

Valeria said...

Ciao Lilli. Anch'io nel weekend mi sono dedicata allo shopping e al relax. Ho acquistato un blazer oversize con fantasia pied de poule e un semplice abitino nero. Mi sono accorta dei saldi di mezza stagione di Mango ma non ne ho ancora approfittato.
Baci e buon inizio di settimana anche a te.


Ivanasworld said...

Have a nice week.My favorite store is Massimo Dutti :)

FelyM said...

ludo beata te che vivi in un posto meraviglioso..il week end qui è stato freddissimo..tipicamente autunnale

Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Ooohh dear Lilli, you have still summer! I'm a little bit jealous about the sunshine. In Germany everywhere is it grey. But a grey Sunday is a good opportunity for online shopping. One of my favorite Net-Store is Zalondo. But of course Mango has so many great items. You made a amazing deal, 30% off is fantastic.
Beautiful woman, enjoy your week.

ilda76 said...

Hi Lilli!
I'm so happy to see you! I had a few moments for myself (this is pure golden) and I decided to pay some visits to my favourites bloggers!
Your blue coat it's gorgeous, so classy - I love it! I can't wait to see you wearing it!
Hope you'll have a lovely week! Big hug, my friend! I've missed you! :)

Lavender Thoughts

Anonymous said...

Devo andare sul sito di Mango perché che io sappia i negozi da me non ci sono. Bella la giacca, il colore è stupendo :)

Demi Mist said...

It sounds like a nice weekend!
I bought some jeggins lately, but the weather is too hot to buy autumn clothes.
Have a great week Lilli!!!

Paola Lauretano said...

Ancora al mare? Che bello!!!!
Adoro Mango, cosa hai visto di bello?
xo Paola
My Facebook

Shireen L. Platt said...

Our weekend was really quiet, we pretty much stayed at home and got caught up watching Marvel's Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. That was pretty much our weekend. the weather was rainy and cold so staying home was the best thing to do. And hockey season is back again in Canada so we've been watching lots of the sport too!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Unknown said...

Ma che carina la sciarpa Lilli! Anche io ieri mi sono dedicata allo shopping: purtroppo nulla di scontato però! Ho preso un paio di stivali neri con il tacco alto, semplicissimi, da Primadonna! Li adoro! E poi, siccome avevo una gift card da spendere da H&M, ho preso una camicia, un cappello e un abito! Insomma sì, week-end di shopping anche per me!

Fashion Snobber said...

Per me un weekend senza shopping ma solo relax puro da divano e copertina. Ah si, ogni tanto mi ci vuole poltrire un pò. ;P
Mango mi piace molto, trovo sia migliorato negli ultimi tempi e ha sempre qualcosa di mio gusto a cui non so resistere. I tuoi acquisti bellissimi e adoro la pics di te al pc.
Buona serata! :*

*TDM* said...

ciao Lilli! Mango è tra i miei negozi preferiti, trovo sempre qualcosa da comprarci! :D
ottimi acquisti per te, mi piace molto la sciarpa!
un bacione

Lilli said...

Ciao Luna! Ti ringrazio tanto, no non sono io nella foto!:) Un bacio e buona serata anche a te!:*

Eniwhere Fashion said...

Beata te che vai ancora al mare Lilli, che invidia....
Mango piace molto anche a me. Io ce l'ho un piano sotto al lavoro ma non è molto fornito e siccome non sono un amante dello shopping online (strana specie io) quando vado a Milano ne approfitto per fare tanti acquisti nei loro store.
Un bacio grande, buon inizio di settimana,

Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post, have a beautiful week Lilli! kisses

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

That coat has such a greta classic and chic look Lilli! And I love the plaid scarf as well. Looking forward to seeing how you styled your new pieces. I haven't bought much fashion lately but picked up a few new beauty which I'll be sharing on Instagram. Have a fantastic week!

Rowena @ rolala loves

Unknown said...

It sounds like you had a lovely weekend Lilli. Well I'm pleased it still feels like summer where you are because it is so cold here. I love the colour of your jacket and the photo is great - I need to invest in a few more coats now. My favourite place to shop is Zara and as you know I have recently bought a jumper from there. I've also just ordered a dress from ASOS. I haven't been in Mango for a quite a while but what a shame their prices have gone up. Have a lovely week ahead Lilli x

sonia // daring coco said...

I used to be so obsessed with Mango when it first came to Australia maybe 10 years ago now. I was crazy for it. We had nothing like it here and I loved that it was straight from Europe. Wasn't until I went to Europe and shopped there that I noticed HOW MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE it was back home. I tired to shop there a few times but couldn't justify spending $50 more than what I would if I lived in another country. It's hard as well because when you look at the tag, you can see the original EU$ price underneath the sticker which always made me put them back on the racks.


Rebeca Muñoz López said...

Hi dear Lilli, happy start of week, I had a rest weekend, lately I prefer shop on line because I find great stuff and good prices, I am await some shipments hope show you soon :)

Stanislava E. said...

Hi Lilli! Oh, new type of posts on the blog? Personally I started loving Mango in the last 2-3 years. Their pieces are modern, a mix between casual and chic things. Right now I am even wearing a shirt and jeans from MANGO. I haven't noticed a raise in their prices recently, but there's one thing I have to share with you - I do shopping only on sales. So, I need to check them right now. Thanks for the info and congrats on your new finds! Kisses, Lilli!

Ah, I almost forgot - I am envying you so much for having the chance to go to the beach whenver you want! Enjoy it, Lilli! Kisses

the chilicool said...

Freddo anche da me con pioggia, beata te che vivi un posto splendido!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great weekend Lilli! You are so lucky to live beside the sea x

Unknown said...

Io sono riuscita a riposare poco ,,beata te che vivi al mare!
Dovrò fare anche qualche acquisto e questo consiglio di mango mi piace

Ciao Bella

Unknown said...

Ciao Cara,
il mio week end l'ho trascorso a studiare, sono uno straccio.
Il mio ultimo acquisto risale a ieri un leggings da Calzedonia.
Non ho negozi preferiti, diciamo che compre dove trovo qualcosa che mi piace però se si parla di intimo vado sempre da yamamay , calze , collante e legging da calzedonia e scarpe da ginnastica superga. il resto varia sempre. p.s.bellissima questa foto.
bacioni tesoro :* <3

Maria at inredningsvis said...

I hade a quiet weekend to :) I went for a walk in the woods and it is SO beautiful autumn colors on the trees here right now:)

Have a great week dear !


June said...

I had a nice weekend too! Went partying with my beau, and shopping with a girlfriend and spent time with a lot of friends! Was great!!
June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog

nerline said...

Hi Lilli, I got something new, and I cannot wait to share it with you.
I love the color of the coat already.

Ivana said...

My dear Lilli, I'm also a huge fan of Mango but it seems to me that every year I tend to like the same or similar clothes. I get a thing in my hands and then stop-I have the similar item, do you need this?! Smetimes I get it but most of the times I don't... I can say I get wiser with years! I still can' t do/say the same things about shoes! :))))

Lilli said...

Thank you all! xo

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This blog is made just for fun. There could be some photographs taken from web with the owner or the source indicated where possible. I do not claim any right to these. If you think any of the content violates the copyright of others, please contact me and it will be immediately removed. Thank you :)