
# December # Fashion Blogger

Outfit Roundup

Outfit Roundup

Boho Style

Velvet and Corduroy

Christmassy Look

Holiday Patterns - Christmas Sweater

70s Inspired

New Year's Eve Outfit

First post of the year and I start it with my usual outfit roundup, which one did you like best in December? Click on the photo to see the whole post.

January, time for resolutions, goals and good purposes, I'm not good with them that's why I still haven't listed any. Your behaviour just has to be consistent with yourself and your desires throughout the year without listening who stopped dreaming, that's all :)

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by!



FelyM said...

carinissimi Ludo,mi piacciono moltissimo gli ultimi 2...
ancora tanti cari auguri..un bacio

Anonymous said...

Great to see how your style is evolving. I really like the outfits that you presented during the past year. While it's nice to follow trends, you seem to also pay attention to create styles that work with your personality and which suit you. To a successful New Year!

Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli
i hope you had a great start into 2016. It´fine to have no resolutions for a new year. If i like to change something, i do it immediately.
Your December Stlye was great, but not only December. The whole last year was very inspiring with you. Have a fantastic year 2016 dear Lilli. Kisses Cla

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

You ended the year quite stylishly Lilli! I think my fave look was the cape and floral maxi. I love all the components and the stylish feel of the entire outfit. I don't usually set resolutions but I try to make each year better than the last. Hope 2016 is treating you well so far my dear.

Pearl in Fashion said...

You look beautiful in everything. But please don't wear the set from photo nr 5, you are not old enough. And -not native American enough.
Happy New Year darling!
Pearl in Fashion

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Lilli, I hope you had a lovely New Year's eve. Love your outfit roundups as always and with being away at new year I missed your last one, number 6, sorry, but I do absolutely love it so glad I can comment on it here. You've got great legs for the skirt and shoes are amazing but I love the coat and how you styled your hair. I don't do resolutions as such but I am going to write a post on my intentions soon. Enjoy the rest of your weekend x

Chic Delights said...

I like them all Lilli. It's a festive season so you can wear anything you fancy. Have a wonderful weekend!

Eniwhere Fashion said...

Cara Lilli, inanzi tutto ti faccio tantissimi auguri per questo 2016. Spero che possa essere proprio un bell'anno per te. Per quanto riguardo ai look invece mi piace moltissimo l'ultimo e poi la gonna marrone scamosciata. Sei proprio bella e dolce!
Un abbraccio,

Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

MakeUpNonSolo said...

Che bello vedere tutti questi outfit in sequenza!
Mi piace questo tuo cambio di look a seconda di come ti vesti!

Demi Mist said...

You look gorgeous in every outfit, but my favourites are the ones in the first and last photo.
Happy New Year!

Stanislava E. said...

Hi Lilli! Happy New Year! Wishing you lots of health, love, success and many blog posts! I personally really like #3, #4 and #6! The last one is my top of the top! I know what you mean with the New Year's resolutions! I am not good at this either, that's why I avoid listing these on the blog, but I do agree with your words! Have a good evening, Lilli! xo

Vale ♥ said...

Cara Lilli, mi piacciono tutti i tuoi look di dicembre ma voto per quello con gonna floreale e cappa, molto particolare ! Stupendo anche l'ultimo però ! Anche io non ho postato i buoni propositi perché se ne faccio troppi poi finisco per non mantenerli !!! Bacioni e ancora auguri per un fantastico 2016 pieno di gioia e serenità

Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

Unknown said...

Gran bei look!

Barbara Bozzoli said...

bellissima! mi sono innamorata degli stivaletti neri Lilli, splendidi!! <3 Buon anno tesoro!!


Lilli said...

Thank you all! xo

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