Hello everyone and happy Spring! I'm very excited about its start since is my favorite season, I cannot be happier this morning!
Anyway, let's talk about today's topic. I'm always a fan of this kind of posts but I never wrote one so far. So, the buy of a new purse gave me the chance to finally do it. The bucket bag you see on the photo is by Mango, from the current collection (you could find it in the store or online if you are interested), and has been a good bargain in comparison to the quality and the size; it reminds the famous bucket bag by Mansur Gavriel, very popular among the blogosphere, but much cheaper of course. I really like Mango bags, whenever I need a new one I go there because I know I will find something for sure; even the wallet and the glasses case are from Mango, but you already know my love for this brand, especially for the accessories.
As you see, I like to carry with me everything I could need whenever I am out. Inside my bag you can always find wipes, candies, hand cream, perfume and, of course, a red lippy :)
Tell me, what's into yours? Do you like my new purchase?
Have nice week!
interesting post:) have a nice day:)
Vedo che anche la tua è strapiena :-)
The Princess Vanilla
i need that bucket bag in my life
Keep in touch
Anche nella mia non mancano mai la crema mani e le gomme da masticare! Buon lunedì Lilli :)
Hello Lilli!! I love these posts too, though I haven't done one. It's always interesting to see what everyone carries in their bags. Mine is a mess at the moment though, haha!! I hope you have a very Happy Monday. Hugs and kisses xox
Beh direi una borsa bella piena Lilly!
Un bacio grande.
Congrats on the new purchase, Lilli! The bag is so cute, I absolutely agree with you that you can find great bags at Mango. I am also a fan of this kind of posts, but just like you I've never done so far. I see that you carry with you almost the same thing I bring in my bag. I also often bring food and clothes, haha. Happy Srping to you too, Lilli!xo
Love that bucket bag, Lilli! It must be spacious enough to carry all your essentials!
La mia è un bazar!
new post
Ooo, that bucket bag is gorgeous, Lilli and thank you for letting your readers know it's available for purchase! I like to bring the whole house with me in my bag, only maybe that's a little exaggeration but you know what I mean. Haha! And yes, red lipstick is a must have inside the bag!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
La mia è sempre pesantissima e le mie spalle ne sanno qualcosa purtroppo!
Ah here is this amazing bag. I saw this bag yesterday at your IG account and fall immediately in love. I'm also a big fan of the Mansur Gavriel bag. Unfortunately this bag is very expensive. Your mango bag is a great alternative. I'm sure you will b happy with is. In my bag I carry the same things like you, even a red lipstick. ;)
Dear Lilli, thank you so much for your kind words yesterday. I'm a very optimistic person. For sure everything will goes fine for me. Big kisses Cla
Bellissimo quel secchiello di Mango... certo che ti porti un bel pò di roba dietro!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
Anche tu noto con piacere ti porti dietro di tutto! Sei dei miei, anche io ho sempre le borse straripanti e questa idea di post è sempre divertente per scoprire quale mondo si cela dentro la borsa di una donna. Prima o poi lo farò anche io. :)
Bacione Lilli e buon inizio settimana! :*
Fantastico Ludo,adoro questo genere di post...prima o poi come ha detto Luna lo farò pure io :-)
Anche tu...stile Mary Poppins,povere noi eheheh :-)
Un bacio cara
Interesting beauty products....thx for sharing Lilli!
Have a great week dear! kisses
I like crossbody bags because I seem practical and is essential to have my hands free, I like your new bag is spacious and you can carry all! Happy start of spring Lilli.
la borsa è molto bella...
ma il nero non è affatto primaverile
Anche per me la primavera e'la stagione del cuore, una borsa carica come la mia direi
Ottimo post Lilli
Buona serata
Sono d'accordo con te Lilli, questa borsa è davvero molto bella. Peccato che da noi non è ancora arrivata. Poi in effetti le borse di mango sono tutte molto carine, piacciono anche a me.
Un bacio cara e buona primavera ;)
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
I'm so glad you finally writing one of these posts Lilli! And I'm not surprised by some of what you carry like the red lipstick since that's like your signature look :) Your bucket bag is very chic and totally your style. We carry alot of similar items but I have a hand sanitizer spray instead of wipes. Have a fab week my dear!
Ciao Lillina. Con questo post immagino la tua borsa ordinatissima, che profuma di cosmetici.. dove ogni accessorio ha il suo posto. Anch'io come te carico tanta roba dentro, e ogni volta mi manca sempre qualcosa. Dovresti creare più spesso post del genere, magari con una lista scaricabile, da prendere nota :P
Very nice bag Lilli. Love the tassel on it. I'm sure your bag will look stylish on any outfit you wear. I'm glad you are happy about this purchase from Mango.
Such a dashing bag and I can totally get use to this kind of posts!
I carry more or less the same with me! The facial water is super useful, especially in summer when I travel to hot places. Thanks for sharing the content of your bag. Have a great day.
Ciao Lilli, tieni tantissime cose nella borsa!! Avevo adocchiato questo secchiello di Mango...non sarà quello di Mansur Gavriel ma è decisamente carino!!
Un bacio
Interesting Post! i love your Bag :)
è bellissima, mi piace tantissimo! anch'io ne vorrei una solo che dalle mie parti non ci sono negozi Mango -.-'
Siamo simili, le nostre borse contengono all'incirca le stesse cose io ho: un borsello della pupa con dentro trucchi e specchietto. Fazzoletti, caramelle, qualche medicinale essenziale, chiavi, occhiali da vista e da sole, ombrellino piccolissimo e compatto, una piccola busta in stoffa di quelle pieghevoli, il libro che sto leggendo, il portafogli, il mio samsung , una penna e una piccola agenda. In poche parole pesa da morire ahuahauahau
un bacione e buon inizio settimana :* <3
I love your new purchase Lily! That bag is gorgeous! Great buy! I LOVE what you keep in your purse :D Red lipstick is EVERYTHING! I need to start carrying wipes.
I remember I did a similar post and I love these posts as well. It seems as though you have just as much stuff in your bag as I do. I have to ensure I have everything I need but some of my bags are too small to hold everything. I love your bucket bag Lilli and you're right you cannot go wrong with Mango bags, I like Zara bags too. I always ensure I have makeup, hand cream and water and cash and tissues as the main things. Hope you're having a great week x
Esattamente le stesse cose che ho io nella borsa, sembra la borsa di mary poppins!
I love that studded wallet and the quilted glasses case is very chic too
Bellissimo il tuo acquisto Lilli, borsa trendy e chic, la adoro ! E io credevo di portare tanta roba, con te sarebbe una bella lotta...possiamo sopravvivere nel deserto !!! Baci
Fashion and Cookies - fashion & beauty blog
Beautiful style bag, it's lovely and I also love Mansur of course, so this was a great alternative. I like reading what is in other blogger's bags. It's been ages since I did one of those posts. Happy spring Lilli. Love all of the bits you carry. xx
Easter Inspiration
Lilli, I used to have such an obsession with Mango when they first opened up here. Then I went to Europe and went even more crazy, only to come back and realise how much MORE expensive it was on my side of the world compared to yours. I stopped going into store after that because I could never justify spending more than $100 for something I could get cheaper in Europe. Back then I also had the intent of traveling to Europe every year, but, life. I wonder if they've lowered their prices at all? I should look into this
Thanks everyone! xo
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