
# Blue # Boho Style

Into The Blue

Off The Shoulder

Off The Shoulder



Off The Shoulder


Lace Espadrilles

Off The Shoulder

Off The Shoulder
I'm wearing:
Karakorum Hat - Benetton Dress - Bata Espadrilles - Segue Earrings - Bershka Necklace and Rings - Tally Weijl Bangle - Urbiana Bracelet - L'Oreal Color Riche Lipstick n.297 - Kiko Nail Lacquer n.339

Symbol of loyalty, faith, truth and trust, blue inspires calmness and tranquility in those who wear and look at it. Actually, its lightest shade is my fave color of the moment :)

Happy Weekend Everyone!



MayLoveFashion said...

Adoro Lilli, il mix tra il maxi cappello e il vestito off the shoulder è perfetto! Buon week end :*

dudduzza said...

Molto particolare, bellissima Lilli! ♥

Anonymous said...

Great style, love the hat:)

Giulia said...

che bello questo vestitino!!!
un bacio lilli

Mihaela Pojogu said...

With that hat your outfit is completely, mia cara Lilli, gorgeous look!
baci e abbracci

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

Love it! Happy weekend. :)

Style For Mankind

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Lilli you are totally rocking the off the shoulder trend with this dress. I love that shade of blue as well. It just inspires serenity and is so perfect for this time of year. Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Beautiful dress and images!!


Vale ♥ said...

Anche io adoro questo colore e questo abito è delizioso !!! Baci

Fashion and Cookies - fashion & beauty blog

Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli.
I very excited about your outfit. This is such a lovely dress. The whole outfit is just perfect with theses shoes and the hat. I like the symbol of blue and I understand why you love this color St the moment. I'm a fan of all your style, but this is one of my favorite. Have a fantastic weekend dear Lilli. Kisses Cla

Paola Lauretano said...

Bellissimissima dalla testa ai piedi, quanto mi piace questo look!!!
xo Paola
My Facebook


I love the off-shoulder trend and glad that it's back in style. This style suits you well Lilli, and what a lovely dress with the espadrilles. xx/Madison
Foodie Friday

Shireen L. Platt said...

That is such a pretty dress and absolutely perfect for Summer. It's not easy to pull off a monotone look but you did it beautifully, Lilli!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Aleksandra Krajewska said...

You look amazing! I very like it!

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Beauty Unearthly said...

Very chic, the dress is so cute. You look fab. Lilli :)
Kisses dear, have a good evening! xo

Michela Mzn said...

stupendo il vestito!!1
❤ The Photoholic Girl by Michela M.

Mariapia said...

Questo look mi piace tantissimo! Adoro la sfumatura di azzurro, la balza sul vestito, il cappello! Lilli fai sempre centro! Sei troppo cool!!!!

New Post-> http://modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2016/06/napoli-il-san-paolo-gigi-dalessio-tutte.html

Chic Delights said...

HI Lilli, blue is my favourite colour. Love your off the shoulder dress. Your espadrilles is lovely and pretty. Have a wonderful weekend,

Esmeralda said...

Un look da vera diva! Misteriosa e bellissima!


Anonymous said...

I totally love the look! The hat and the dress are super gorgeous. One of the best looks I've seen this month.

Ivana said...

This is what I woul call a 100% lady outfit! You looks so beautiful and it really this color is truly royal as you wrote! :)
Last season I fell in love with a similar dress at Stradivarius but in the end I haven't bought it... I'm sorry about that now!
Buon weekend cara mia! Bacione

Misaki said...

Mi piacciono molto questo tipo di abiti, a te sta d'incanto! Vorrei provare anche io ma ho paura di sembrare un sacchetto di patatine! :D

Buon weekend!


Anna and Klaudia said...

Wow! you look so pretty <33 lovely dress ;)
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Ivanasworld said...

Beautiful look but dress is so cute :) Perfect :)

Unknown said...

Woooow che super look!! Le espadrillas mi piacciono un sacco, ma il pezzo forte e quel magnifico cappello ...spettacolare!!! Bello, fresco, estivo e versatile il vestito ;)
un bacione tesoro :* <3 <3

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Fabulous off the shoulder dress Lily! That blue looks gorgeous on you! I love your accessories (hat & sandals). Beautiful look.

Unknown said...

WOW! Lilli, definitely one of my favourite outfits on you. Such a simple outfit but still very striking and the hat completes it perfectly. The colour looks amazing on you and I love how it hangs and those are the perfect little wedges and accessories to go with this dress. You are definitely looking calm and tranquil x

Unknown said...

Io adoro i vestiti che lasciano le spalle scoperte! Mi piacciono tantissimo i tuoi dettagli!!! Il braccialetto, la collana... e mi sono già trascritta il numero di smalto Kiko!
[Non ho potuto commentare sotto al post, ma ovviamente sono una fan della rubrica degli outfit ricreati in chiave lowcost!!!]

Unknown said...

bellissimo look <3

Lilli said...

Thanks everyone! xo

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This blog is made just for fun. There could be some photographs taken from web with the owner or the source indicated where possible. I do not claim any right to these. If you think any of the content violates the copyright of others, please contact me and it will be immediately removed. Thank you :)