The first thing you are probably thinking is "absolutely not", being a makeup suitable only for fashion shows or magazine editorials, not for everyday life. But if you stare at the photo above, you can't deny the sexy and charming effect that wet eyes give, besides not requiring particular makeup skills to recreate the look. Now the question is: how can I get that eye-catching shiny result without feeling sticky? This video from makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes is very brilliant and useful, I just want to use my lip oil from Clarins instead of the Mac Lipglass and assure to blend everything well :)
What do you think of this makeup trend, yay or nay?
Have a great weekend!
Image via Pinterest
Good morning Lilli!! I think its fantastic & I want to try. I love it. You could try it with many colours too. I hope you have a great weekend. hugs xo
I think glossy eyes are a very cool and trendy makeup look but I'm just not sure I can pull it off. I like your lip oil idea. Happy weekend Lilli!
Mi piace molto l'effetto bagnato sugli occhi ma ho l'impressione che possa essere fastidioso!
Shopping Girls
Wow, mi piace l'effetto!
Kisses, Paola.
This is a great Make-Up Look dear Lilli. I like it really much. Just theses days i bought same cremey eyeshadows for a similar Look. Also the video tutorials is cool. Maybe fรผr me (with my age) a little bit to much, but im sure this looks fantastic for young women like you.
Have a nice weekend dear Lilli
Lovely post :)
I love it! I think it looks very glam! I am a fan!
Kisses and thanks for sharing this post Lilli!
Tamara Chloรฉ
really good tips dear:)
This is so cool and so pretty. Happy weekend Lilli.
Bellissimo effetto!
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รจ un trucco che adoro, pensa che da ragazzina avevo il vizio di usare il lucido della pupa sulle palpebre per renderle cosi anche se non era ancora una moda
bacione :*<3 <3
Love this, very informative, i see this new beauty trend out right now and always wondered about how to do it without feeling like you have lip smackers on your eyelid lol
Thank you all! xo
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