
# Bohemian Style # Cropped Sweater

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden | Candy and Style

The Secret Garden | Candy and Style

The Secret Garden | Candy and Style
I'm wearing:
 Mon Monde Sweater - Vintage Dress

“In each century since the beginning of the world wonderful things have been discovered. In the last century more amazing things were found out than in any other century before. In this new century hundreds of things still more astounding will be brought to light. At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they see it can be done; then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago. One of these things people began to find out in the last century was that thoughts - just mere thoughts - are as powerful as electric batteries, as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison. To let a sad thought or a bad one get into your mind is as dangerous as letting a scarlet fever germ get into your body. If you let it stay there after it has got in you may never get over it as long as you live...surprising things can happen to any one who, when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comes into his mind, just has the sense to remember in time and push it out by putting in an agreeable determinedly courageous one. Two things cannot be in one place.

Where you tend a rose, my lad, A thistle cannot grow.” 
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

This is one of my fave books, I've read it million times. It's a novel full of good thoughts and hope; it's about love, innocence, rebirth and the healing power of nature. When a thing is neglected it dies, but when it is cared for it thrives and blooms :)

Have a nice week everyone!



R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Such a beautiful style to show your look. The greenish location is beautiful. I love your top and the skirt. Your hair looks lovely <3
Have a happy Monday :) Kisses <3

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

Argh che vergogna non ho mai letto questo libro! Ma visto che vivo in mezzo ai libri me lo procuro subito! Che carine queste foto lilli, le hai colte tutte le margherite?
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Good morning Lilli!! This is so beautiful. The Secret Garden is one of my favourites as well, so wonderful. I hope you have a fantastic new week xox

Vale ♥ said...

Bellissima, romantica, dolce <3 Bacioni

Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

Ivana Split said...

That is so true. When we give our energy and focus to some idea or a feeling (negative or positive), we are giving it life. We can feed both the negative and the positive thoughts, to choose between destructive or constructive behaviour. It is up for us to decide which ideas are worth keeping. If we are too critical, we risk blinding ourselves. Negative thoughts can keep us from noticing the good things.

Wonderful photos. Romantic setting and outfit, simply perfect for reflection about this lovely classical novel.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

The Secret Garden is also one of my favorite books and I've read it many times as well. You're right that it is just full of good thoughts and hope and that's why I love it so much. The lessons in it are still very relevant today perhaps even more so. And how charming do you look in that field :) Happy new week my friend!

Chic Delights said...

The Secret Garden is an inspiring book. Thank you for sharing this as a positive though really works wonders.

Mary-Grace said...

Hello Lilli thanks for sharing this beautiful extract. Yes thoughts are powerful. We become what we think and it is important that we allow only positive thoughts in our mind. I wish you a very nice day. Take care

Sakuranko said...

The Secret Garden is probably one of my favorite books! I love it this post, very cute photos


I remember reading The Secret Garden. I have a very old copy that my mum gave me. These are such ethereal and beautiful images, Lilli. <3 xx/Madison

Rebeca Muñoz López said...

It is a book that I have not read but because of the fragment of text that you have shared it is magic, much of what the text says is true about good or bad thoughts, I know there is a movie I will see if I can find it, you are Photos you shared today are magical! Kisses Lilli.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the statement. Although it's a daily challenge, it's very important to monitor one's thoughts and choose the positive ones as they change one's life for the better.


Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli,
I never read the novel the secret garden. But the words sounds so beautiful and inspiring. For sure I will read the book in the future.
Big kisses Cla

Unknown said...

davvero un bel libro, delicato e stupendo come questi scatti che regalano bellezza con un alone di mistero
buona domenica ;) :* <3 <3

Lilli said...

Thanks a million for your comments! xo

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This blog is made just for fun. There could be some photographs taken from web with the owner or the source indicated where possible. I do not claim any right to these. If you think any of the content violates the copyright of others, please contact me and it will be immediately removed. Thank you :)