
# Beauty # Capsule Collection

Friday Loves | TNS Cosmetics Red Vanity MakeUp Collection

Red Vanity MakeUp Collection - TNS Cosmetics

Don't know if you remember this post in which I've talked about the Red Vanity Collection, a limited edition of nail polishes, entirely dedicated to red (if not, check it out now!). Today, I'm thrilled to announce that TNS Cosmetics has just launched the matching set of lipsticks and lip pencils: Red Vanity MakeUp, three stunning shades of red (Borgogna, Forever Soul and My Funny Valentine), perfect for each woman and for all the year round.
Red Vanity MakeUp Collection - TNS Cosmetics

When I was asked to review one, I had no doubt and I soon picked My Funny Valentine, which is already my favorite hue among the two nail polishes I previously got: a bright and eye-catching red.

My Funny Valentine - Red Vanity MakeUp Collection - TNS Cosmetics

How to describe the lipstick? Simply gorgeous! The texture is very light, creamy and moisturizing; what I love is the semi-matte/satin and long-lasting finish with a nice plumping effect. It is really comfortable on lips, doesn't dry them, contains Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E, and above all is Paraben and Cruelty Free. I'm using it a lot these days and it already became one of my "can't live without" lippies :)

My Funny Valentine - Red Vanity MakeUp Collection - TNS Cosmetics

Also the lip pencil is nice: the color is matte, rich and deep, while the line is precise, isn't much smooth but this is good for me as it doesn't smudge and won't tend to break off soon. The cool thing is that it could be used also on eyes and Im sure I will soon try in this way too, maybe for some crazy summer look :)

My Funny Valentine - Red Vanity MakeUp Collection - TNS Cosmetics

What do you think of this capsule collection? Which set would you choose? My other pick would have been Borgogna :)

ITALIAN READERS: I prodotti TNS Cosmestics si trovano negli Istituti di Bellezza, per maggiori informazioni consultate la pagina facebook

My Funny Valentine - Red Vanity MakeUp Collection - TNS Cosmetics

Happy Weekend!


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Beauty Unearthly said...

Great variety of products! I love the red color!
Many kisses Lilli! Have a great weekend!!! xx

www.selodicecoco.it said...

Stai ultra bene tu con il rossetto rosso e che bella anche la camicetta con i baci! Baci Elisabetta

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Red lipstick in semi matte texture is wonderful pick for me. I really love the collection and i would like to try the red lip pencil too. I need a red matte lip liner for me and this one looks great. Not sure, its available in India or not. Great review honey. Kisses and love <3

Unknown said...

Now that's a great red lipstick, I wish I could subscribe to this Beauty bag.

xoxo Chaicy - New Post up - Style.. A Pastiche!
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Liza said...

Beautiful red colors ! Love it on you, Lilli !
And that lipstick pattern blouse is so cute !

Esmeralda said...

Mi piacciono molto questi prodotti. Io uso gli smalti e mi trovo benissimo! Credo di avertelo detto piĆ¹ di una volta che il rossetto rosso ti sta benissimo!!

Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Hello my lovely!! What a gorgeous product, I love the packaging. I would have picked the same one as you, I like this very vibrant red, it is perfect :)) And looks marvellous on you!! I hope you have a very wonderful weekend. Loves & hugs to you xoxoxo

Ann said...

I love the shades of the lipsticks
and I love lipsticks with plumping effect.
Lovely products.

nanussa said...


Dania said...

Lilly sei divina con questo make uo, enfatizza tantissimo la tua bellezza ed i tuoi colori.
E poi la camicia ĆØ perfetta ;-)
Un bacio grande.



Anonymous said...

Just wonderful <3

Shopping Lady said...

Adoro abbinare il rossetto con lo smalto, ĆØ un'idea grandiosa questa di TNS!

My last post: Mascara Black Extra Volum Rougj

Shopping Girls

nerline said...

It's high quality stuff, Lilli! I want to try the lipstick. Happy weekend babe!

Unknown said...

lilli, di questa linea tu mia fatto conoscere gli smalti. ero abituata agli smaltini che duravano quanto un gatto in tangenzialešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. questi sono ottimi, si vede che sono professionali perchĆ© una volta messo, durano tantissimo. spero sia di qualitĆ  anche questa linea di rossetti. grazie lilli per queste graziose novitĆ  che ci fai conoscere. sei sempre sul pezzošŸ˜˜.

FelyM said...

bellissima ludo,questi cosmetici sembrano ottimi..perfetta in rosso..camicia e orecchini favolosi
un bacione

little luxury list said...

It's interesting how different the three reds appear. I would have picked "My Funny Valentine" too - what a bright and bold shade of red! You look lovely in that shade and how great to see that it has vitamin E and hyaluronic acid too!
Have a lovely weekend!

little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

Antonella C’est Moi said...

Ciao Lilli, fantastico il rossetto, proprio un bellissimo colore!! Un abbraccio

Elisa Zanetti said...

il rossetto ĆØ magnifico!
Nameless Fashion Blog

Unknown said...

Love the lipstick and have a wonderful week dear!


Demi Mist said...

Very pretty colours! I would choose the one in the middle.
Happy Friday!!!

Giulia said...

mah com'e' questa camicetta :)) giulia

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I think you picked the perfect shade for you Lilli! The color just goes so well with your skintone and is very pretty on you. The texture sounds nice as well. I think I would choose Forever Soul as blue based reds just seem to to look better on me. Have a splendid weekend my dear!

Rowena @ rolala loves

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Such a beautiful and classic shade! x

Stanislava E. said...

Hi Lilli! First, let me tell you that you look so classy on the last photo! You are probably the only blonde that red colour matches so well! Yes, I do remember your previous post about the collection of nail polishes. I think the idea of making nail polishes and lipsticks in red only is really cool. You have bigger choice, and I like the one you've made. I'd also pick the Borgogna one, as I am not much into dark shades like Forever Soul. Congrats on the cooperation! Wishing you a lovely weekend! xo

Unknown said...

mi piace tantissimo questa intensitĆ  di rosso e poi da un po' di mesi a questa parte adoro usare i rossetti dalla colorazione cosi intensa e decisa ;)
Non conoscevo il marchio, vado a sbirciare...
p.s. come siamo belle con questo look labbroso :D ahuahuahauhau
bacioni e buon weekend :** <3

Paola Lauretano said...

Che bello questo rosso intenso ti sta benissimo... l'ultima foto ĆØ bellissima!!!!
Kisses, Paola.


My Facebook

Audrey said...

belli i prodotti e stilosissima la scatolina!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I would've picked My Funny Valentine also Lilli! HAHAHA It looks so good on you. Love your lippie shirt, earrings and such. Looks so pretty on you!

Sfizi e Sfarzi Moda said...

Lilly che bella l'ultima foto camicia con le labbra fantastica. Kiss

Unknown said...

Ma che bello questo colore Lilli, ci credo che sia stato amore a prima vista! E' davvero stupendo!

Shireen L. Platt said...

I think you choose the prettiest of the 3 sets, Lilli! That lipstick looks absolutely stunning! It's bright and just lights up the face. I wonder if this brand has world-wide delivery, I'll check them out.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

the chilicool said...

Bellissimi prodotti, e bella la camicetta!

Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli,
if i saw these three difference shades of red lipsticks i was sure your choice is the funny Valentine red and this red is my favorite color too of these three sets. This classic red is just perfect for you matches fantastic with the nail color. Light, creamy and not drying out sounds also good. Thank you for this review.
I wish you a wonderful long weekend, dear Lilli

DIMI said...

Hello sweet Lilli!!
What a lovely collection!
Īœy favorite lipstick is the Funny Valentine !!
Preety color!!Like your shirt and earrings!
You look gorgeous dear!Have a happy weekend!

Sola ante el espejo said...

Che belli questi prodotti! Un bacio tesoro.

Rebeca MuƱoz LĆ³pez said...

I would choose burgundy, though red is also necessary and essential in my cosmetics, you Lilli tone that is fantastic, have a great weekend!

Beauty said...

Beautiful color; the lipstick print shirt is so beautiful.

Egle - MD VS said...

Wow, amazing shade! :) I love red lipsticks.

Makeup Demon blog
Makeup Demon Bloglovin
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Marzia Amaranto said...

Quando si tratta di rossetti e matite labbra io impazzisco
Un bacione gioia
Anche io partecipo agli #InstagramersAwards #IGA15 Nominami con @bellezzapourfemme per la categoria Fashion Donna su http://IgersAwards.com

lu beautylove said...

...di questo brand ho provato gli smalti e sono ottimi...anche questo rossetto sembra splendido...poi il rosso ĆØ proprio il tuo colore!!!
...un bacione!!!
beautylove le mie follie

Chic Delights said...

Amazing products. I like the Forever Soul collection. Happy Weekend Lilli!

*TDM* said...

ciao Lilli! mi piace la nuova grafica del blog, belli questi cambiamenti! <3
hai fatto benissimo a scegliere My Funny Valentine, ti sta divinamente!
penso di scrivertelo in ogni post che il rossetto rosso ti sta troppo bene :D
adoro la camicetta e sei splendida nell'ultima foto!
un bacione <3

Koka said...

wow cool
welcome to my blog!

Kashaya said...

Lovely lipstick.=) I've never heard of this brand.

Live-Style20 said...

so nice!! ;-)

new post


Ivana said...

It looks amazing dear! I'm a huge sucker for red lipsticks so I totally get you.... I love it on ur lips and the last pic with you wearing the shirt with lips... so cute :)

ANNA said...

ottimi prodotti poi il rosso mi piace proprio a presto cara

Unknown said...

This is such a cool concept to bring out all the collections in different shades of red. You know I love red on you and I know you love a red lip so I can see why you would get excited about this new capsule collection. Great review and I love the idea of the matte because I always find glossy comes off too quick. I love the idea of the pencil too for good precision. I often use a lip pencil in this way. I'm not sure if this brand is available in the UK so I will have to look it up - my favourite is Forever Soul!. Have a great week Lilli x Oh by the way I love your new blog design - looks so professional!

Eniwhere Fashion said...

Lilli, inanzi tutto ti faccio i complimenti per la scelta della camicia...nessun altro capo poteva essere piĆ¹ perfetto di questa camicia per questo post. Invece per quanto riguarda ai prodotti sembrano ottimi. Bellissimo il rossetto rosso, lo vorrei anche io.
Un bacio grande,

Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely package!
and so so beautiful red color..!

I follow you now!


Sandra Leiva said...

Red looks great on you, dear!



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