Ankle Boots,
High Ponytail,
Maxi Skirt,
Red Lips,
Red Nails,
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Bel look basico la pochette è elegantissima! Baci Elisabetta
Hello my lovely...this is so gorgeous!! I like this simple outfit, it looks fresh and relaxing too. Perfect for a lunch out/ I hope you have a marvellous and happy day!! Lots of hugs and loves to you xox
Bellissimo look, semplice ma di effetto, bellissima la tua maxi skirt Lilli ! Stai molto bene e come al solito hai un makeup impeccabile :-) Baci
Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog
un look semplice ma perfetto...mi piace un sacco la gonna maxi...molto chic questo look con i colori neutrali.
Sei bellissima!!!!!!
che bellina lilli! che brava che sei con l'eyeliner!giulia
what a refreshing chang in your outfits dear Lilli. It's simly gorgeous. Loved the long straight skirt. And also loved how you styled it with that lovely top and short cardigan. Those boots has given a stylish effect . You look pretty plus classy at the same time. Have a great day doll. Kisses and hugs <3
stai benissimo di lungo ;) bacione
molto carino :)
Ciao Lilli, mi piace molto questo look "basic", molto carina la gonna!! Un abbraccio e buona giornata
You look so pretty!!! GuapÃsima, Lilli!!!!!
Have a good week!! g+ and like for you!!!!:)))
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Maxi skirt molto bello, un splendido look!
Sei bellissima Lilli, adoro questo look casual e chic allo stesso tempo!
Quella gonna lunga ti sta benissimo e rende tutto più particolare!
My last post: Balmain x H&M -Preview-
Shopping Girls
Bello questo look, poi io adoro le gonne lunghe. Splendida la pochette grande!
Baci! F.
La Civetta Stilosa
it`s simple but so elegant yet modern! really love it!xx
Sai che sto cercando una gonna lunga con lo spacco proprio come la tua? Mi piace molto questo look, semplice e splenddo il make-up!!!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
Sei sempre molto elegante Lilli.
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger Facebook Bloglovin'
Mi piace, ha il suo perché. :)
Simple is the new black!
Ovviamente gli outfits comodi ma stilosi sono sempre tra i miei favs!
Che bella sei, Lilli! <3
Semplice e per questo bellissima Lilly..
Mi ouacciono molto i toni di questo look e la maxi skirt è bellissima.
Hello sweet Lilli!!
Lovely Spring outfit!!!You look gorgeous dear!!
Love your cardigan and you make up!!Like the color of your lipstick!!
Have a sunny week!!Hugs!
Wow ,love the boots! You look super cute Lilli! Kisses dear, have a good evening! xo
I love the entire outfit - so pretty and perfect for these Spring days…
Simple and chic Lilli! I love the minimalism and how long and lean your maxi skirt makes you look :)
Rowena @ rolala loves
Beautiful Look! You wear the Amazing Skirt so gorgeous with the Booties ,great Job Lilli!
lovely Greetings ,kisses <3
You look great Lilli and I love the jersey knit light grey skirt. It is perfect for spring and grey and black mixed are the perfect minimalist look. The white clutch is so stylish too and I like how it's a little bigger so it can hold everything. :) You look beautiful as usual.
ciao Lilli! sei splendida!^^
mi piace tantissimo la gonna, ti sta d'incanto!
bellissimi anche gli stivaletti e la collana con la tua iniziale!^^ carinissima!^^ la semplicità vince sempre! :*
un bacione grande e buona serata <3
Mmmhhhh il tuo make up!!!!!
Basico ma sempre fine ed elegante, bella anche la collana
Un bacio
ciao Lilli questo abito è bellissimo e anche il make-up
un abbraccio
Hi Lilli! You look so beautiful and refreshing! This look is perfect on you. So carefree!
Lovely outfit, you look gorgeous!!
I have a new post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:
* Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *
un look semplice ma ricercato!! bello!!
I think this is the first time I'm seeing you in a long skirt, Lilli and you look so lovely. I don't think it's possible for you to look bad at all. What a gorgeous woman! xx
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Dear Lilli,
keep it simple is exactly what i stay for. I always prefer a clear outfit with just a few special accessories.
And i think you got the gene - easy chic - too. I really like your today black and white outfit. Every time if i look at your pictures, i think this beautiful woman has perfect lips and eyes. So pretty.
Big hug, Cla
you look absolutely stunning here :-) so elegant and classy
This outfit may be simple but is so perfect and elegant! I just love that long beautiful skirt and I adore those cute boots peeking out of the slit! Your little 'L" necklace is the sweetest finishing touch!
Ciao tesoro,
scusa l'assenza ma come sai sono stata a Torino e tra viaggio e influenza non ho avuto modo di accendere il pc. Grazie per le tue belle parole, la tua costante presenza e vicinanza, sei una vera grande amica. Si, il libro lo trovi anche nelle librerie ma puoi comprarlo anche on line. Difatti, se vieni nel mio blog e clicchi sull'immagine del libro presente a destra puoi andare nel sito è acquistarlo a un prezzo conveniente ( 3 euro in meno rispetto a quello di mercato). Per quanto riguarda il tuo look, come sempre, stupendo, frizzante, casual...Stai benissimo inoltre amo come ti trucchi, sei troppo brava ;)
un bacione tvtb
Love simple and comfy outfits yet feminine! Yours is perfect, kisses dear Lilli <3
That grey, white and black is very pretty on you Lilli! So soft. Love your necklace!
I like simple outfits like this one especially in neutral colours. What a pretty necklace too! I hope you are having better weather than here. It's cold and wet in the north of England! I took an unexpected break from blogging after a busy few weeks.
Black and white is always a perfect combo at any time of year . I'm so into these styles of skirts right now because they are so comfy but still look stylish and chic. I love the grey and think it works really well with the black and white and those booties are super cute - it's a great outfit and you look so pretty especially with my favourite red lip which always go well with black and white. have a great week x
Gorgeous Lilli!!!!!
Hope your week is going great!!!!
Lovely look, i love the skirt<3
Dear Lilli,
You look fabulous and loved seeing the photos and love the necklace with the L.
Happy week
Hi Lilli is a very neat and simple set, here is completely fulfilled the phrase less is more, I liked the boots, you look sensational dear!
Ciao Lilli. Stai benissimo con questo outfit. La gonna mi piace un sacco.
Un bacio
Maybe it is simple but it is (at the same time) very eye catching! I love it very much! I love the boots with the maxi skirt and you look so beautiful as always, cara Lilli! The red lipstick is like a cherry on the cake! Bacione!
Hi Lilli, looks simple but chic and comfortable. Have a great day!
bella Ludo..adoro la gonna e nella sua semplicità questa outfit risulta super glamour..mi piace la scelta degli accessori e delle scarpe
un bacio
un look semplice e particolare al tempo stesso cara complimenti
Hi Lilli! I really like the combination between the skirt and the boots! Moreover, the skirt fabric looks really nice. Simple outfit but very beautiful. As I like to say, less is more! My favourite is the clutch, so stylish! I've been wanting a long skirt for this summer. I think it will look great with sneakers and denim jacket. Have a nice evening, Lilli! xo
You have the right height to wear this maxi skirt! Love the look on you!
Bel look! Mi piace molto la gonna e deliziosa la collanina!
Wow Lilli you look stunning! Less is more as they say!
Nilu Yuleena
BIG hair LOUD mouth
A very simple but cool outfit. Love the boots :)
Bellissima Lillina, semplice e perfetta! Adoro la maxi skirt con gli stivaletti, dovrò provare anche io! E poi che carina la collana con l'iniziale!
You look so beautiful, yet simple! Lovely! :) In the meanwhile, want to follow each other, maybe inspire each other? Please let me know! Kisses and have a great week! :)
simple&chic bellissima Lilli
Mrs NoOne
Looking great, dear!
Love your booties <3
Thanks a bunch for your comments! xo
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