
# Beauty # Blue

Mermaid Lips | Beauty Tips

Would you wear a blue lipstick? Blue lips aren't a new thing but they are still very trending on Instagram and Pinterest, so this is the right time to try them. Let's face it, they aren't very wearable in the office; nevertheless, this bold shade seems flattering on everyone, from fair to dark skin tone, and makes the teeth appear brighter. It's a daring and yet stylish choice indeed. As for me, I admit I'm fascinated by this mesmerizing color and I couldn't help trying it out. I truly love the result: striking and eye-catching, wish I could wear it everyday. Now the only question is: will people be afraid? :)



Glam up your Lifestyle said...

Dear Lilli,
blue lipsticks are very special. I know this is a trend at the moment, also grey Lips. In my eyes not everyone can wear it. Not a woman in my age. But for you of couse looks pretty nice.
Have a lovely day dear friend

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I think blue lips is a very cool look and they would probably be fun to try for fun but probably not that practical for every day. I bet you would rock this look Lilli :D

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

A me piace come idea anche se ci vedo molto più te che me con il rossetto blu, perché non provi?
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

Beauty Unearthly said...

it's so chic and fancy

Rebeca Muñoz López said...

Hello Lilli, I've never tried to paint my lips in blue, I do not know if I would favor this tone, but I think it's a very funny trend, from time to time it's good to get out of the conventional! Kisses.

MayLoveFashion said...

Io sulle labbra non lo saprei portare, però mi piace tantissimo come rossetto!

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Wow, such a unique idea to paint your lips in blue. Maybe you don't remember but I have also done such experiences in my earlier days of blogging. You reminded me those lovely days <3
<3 Kisses & Happy Friday <3

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

oh nice! I really want to finally dare to wear blue lips!

Inside and Outside Blog


Hi Lilli, I have only tried lipstick like this colour for a costume party, but I think for daily wear it is not for me. I like it on others though.

Chic Delights said...

Honestly, this is the first time that I’ve seen a blue lipstick. I don’t think it’s for me. But I’ve worn blue nail polish especially the Blue Boy from Chanel.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Hello Lilli!! Good morning...I love the blue lipstick and have some myself. It's fun to wear, though I can't do it all the time. But, I love it. It's fun to try something new :)) I hope you have a gorgeous new week xo

Vale ♥ said...

Io sono indecisa se comprarne uno o meno, so già che mio marito lo odierà, e in generale non mi vedo già con i rossetti molto scuri, non credo mi stiano benissimo, ma sai che mi incuriosisce molto? Insomma, prima o poi so già che lo acquisterò ;-) Bacioni

Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

Demi Mist said...

It looks very nice!
I wouldn't wear it outside, but I would love it for a photo shoot.
Have a great week!!!

Beauty Follower said...

I wish i could dare to wear blue lipstick!


Lilli said...

Thanks for stopping by! xo

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